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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

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61. Natural resource management: The role of remote sensing in decision making by Ganapathy R.S Publication: New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1990 . 74p Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

62. Capitalism, socialism and planning by Misra Baidyanath Publication: New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1972 . 428p Date: 1972 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

63. Poverty and rural development: Planners, peasants and poverty by Puttaswamaiah K Publication: New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1989 . XXX, 423p. Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

64. Dimensions of rural development in India by Brahmananda P.R Publication: Bombay Himalaya Publishing House 1987 . XXXVi, 364p. Date: 1987 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

65. Labour force, employment and unemployment in a backward economy: A study of Kumaon region in U.P by Khanka S.S Publication: Bombay Himalaya Publishing House 1988 . 226p. Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

66. Rural employment strategy: A quest in the wilderness by Godbole Madhav Publication: Bombay Himalaya Publishing House 1990 . 296p Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

67. India's rural problems by Prasad K.N Publication: New Delhi Concept Publishing 1927 . 472p Date: 1927 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

68. Rural water resource utilization and planning: A geographical approach in Varanasi district by Bilas Ram Publication: New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 1988 . 176p Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

69. Rural energy: Consumption, problems and prospects: A replicable model for India by Veena D.R Publication: New Delhi Ashish Publishing House 1988 . 336p Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

70. Integrated rural development: Pakistan by Hasan Ibnul Publication: New Delhi Sterling Publishers 1989 . XI, 158p. Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

71. Management of rural development by Bhatia B.S;et.al Publication: New Delhi Deep & Deep 1990 . XV, 320p. Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

72. Panchayati raj and the weaker sections by Gurumurthy U Publication: New Delhi Ashish Publishing House 1987 . XII, 211p. Date: 1987 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

73. Rural development in India: Poverty and development by Reddy Venkata K Publication: Bombay Himalaya Publishing House 1988 . XVI, 474p Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

74. Tribal development and financial institutions in India by Surya Kumari C Publication: India Chugh 1990 . 157 Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

75. Planning for rural development by Singh R.B Publication: New Delhi Discovery 1987 . 86p. Date: 1987 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

76. Power to the people: A chronicle of India 1947-67 by Dey S.K Publication: Bombay Orient Longmans 1969 . 338p. Date: 1969 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

77. Strategies of rural development in India: Planning and growth performance by Pande G.C Publication: New Delhi Anmol Publications 1989 . 316p Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

78. Kerala economy by Sankaranarayanan K.C Publication: New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1985 . 331p Date: 1985 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

79. Rural environment development and planning by Singh Harishchandra Publication: India Chugh 1989 . XII, 222p Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

80. Dynamics of co-operative administration by Goel B.B Publication: New Delhi Deep & Deep Publications 1988 . 370 Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

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