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521. Fundamentals of Scientific Management of Socialist Economy   Publication: Moscow Progress Publishers 1989 . 204p. Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

522. Sustainable Society:Eco system Viability Natural Resources by Tripat Tuteja | Kadambari Sharma Publication: New Delhi Commonwealth Publishers 1996 . 214p. Date: 1996 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

523. Putting development first: The importance of policy space in the WTO and IFIs by Gallagher, Kevin P.(ed.) Publication: Zed Books London 2005 . x,301p. Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

524. Sociology of Underdevelopment by Zimmerman, Carle C.(ed.) | Duwors, Richard E.(ed.) Publication: Jaipur Rawat Publications 1976 . 422p. Date: 1976 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

525. Kerala's Development Issues in the New Millennium by Prakash, B. A. | Prabhakaran Nair, V. R. Publication: New Delhi Serials 2008 . 432p. Date: 2008 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

526. Human rights and poverty in India: Theoretical issues and empirical evidences by Chaudhary S. N.(ed.) Publication: New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 2005 . 245p. Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (5),

527. The end of poverty:Inequality and Growth in Global Perspective by Edward Peter | Sumner Andy Publication: UK Palgrave macmillan 2019 . 89 p. Date: 2019 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

528. Tradition and development by Dube, S. C. Publication: New Delhi Vikas Publishing 1990 . viii,368p. Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

529. Kerala: The paradoxes of public action and development by Joseph Tharamangalam(ed.) Publication: Hyderabad Orient Longman 2006 . xii,404p. Date: 2006 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

530. Decentralisation Need for Reforms: HRD Institution building development policies by Gupta D. N. Publication: New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 2004 . 476p. Date: 2004 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

531. Development and change : essays in honour of K.N. Raj by Pranab Bardhan(ed.) | Mrinal Datta-Chaudhuri (ed.) | Krishnan, T. N(ed.) Publication: New Delhi Oxford University Press 1993 . xi,359p. Date: 1993 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

532. Development Determinants and Alternatives by Shukla P. R.(ed.) | Chowdhry S. K.(ed.) Publication: New Delhi Akashdeep Publ. House 1992 . xii,299p. Date: 1992 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

533. State of the world, 1992 : A Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society by Brown,Lester R. Publication: New Delhi Horizon India Books 1992 . xv,256p. Date: 1992 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

534. Development Experiences in China and India: reform and modernisation by Gupta S.P.(ed.) | Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations. | London School of Economics and Political Science Publication: New Delhi Allied Publishers 1991 . 350p. Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

535. Governance and development : lessons and experience of Kerala by Suresh Kumar,R.K.(ed.) | Suresh Kumar,P.(ed.) Publication: New Delhi APH Publishing 2007 . xxiii,367p. Date: 2007 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

536. Developing the private sector : The World Bank's experience and approach by World Bank Publication: Wasington World Bank 1991 . v,37p. Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

537. Kerala mathrkayude parimithikal by George,K.K. Publication: Thiruvananthapuram State Institute of Languages 2001 . 132p. Date: 2001 Availability: No items available:

538. Power and Need in Africa: basic human needs and development policies by Wisner, Ben Publication: London Earthscan 1988 . 351p. Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

539. Planning at grassroots : government's participation in people's plan : an experiment by Palanithurai, G. | Thirunavukkarasu,M.A. | Uma,G. Publication: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2008 . vii,396p. Date: 2008 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

540. Macroeconomics for developing countries by Raghbendra Jha Publication: London Routledge 2008 . xiii,496p. Date: 2008 Availability: Items available: KILA - CHRD LIBRARY (1),

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