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41. Encyclopaedia of dalits in India: Emancipation and empowerment by Paswan Sanjay;Jaideva Paramanshi Publication: Delhi Kalpaz Publications 2002 . 434p; Vol.8 Date: 2002 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

42. Kalliasseri experiment in local level planning by Isaac Thomas;et.al Publication: Palakkad Integrated Rural Technology Centre 1995 . 140p Date: 1995 Availability: No items available:

43. Manorama year book 1995 by Mathew K.M Publication: Kottayam Malayala Manorama 1995 . 688p Date: 1995 Availability: No items available:

44. Rural development statistics, 1990   Publication: Hyderabad NIRD 1991 . 226p. Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

45. Pradesikasoothranam: Oru vihaga veekshanam by Sivaramakrishnan E Publication: Thiruvananthapuram Samsthana Asoothrana Board 2000 . 236p Date: 2000 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

46. Project mathrukagal: Vanitha karma samithi pariseelana kaipusthakam - karadu   Publication: Institute of Management in Government 1999 . 89p Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

47. Janakeeyasoothrana prasthanam: Randam khatta pariseelanam (Pariseelakarkula kaipusthakam)   Publication: Thiruvananthapuram Samsthana Asoothrana Board 1996 . 186p Date: 1996 Availability: No items available:

48. Appendix IV: Details of provisions earmarked to panchayat raj/nagarapalika institutions in the budget for 1996-97   Publication: Thiruvananthapuram Government of Kerala 1996 . 42p. Date: 1996 Availability: No items available:

49. Urban poverty and urbanization by Bhasin Reena Publication: New Delhi Deep and Deep Publications 2001 . 435p Date: 2001 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

50. Rural and urban development in India by Dubey M.K Publication: New Delhi Commonwealth Publishers 2000 . 344p. Date: 2000 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

51. Women and the world economic crisis by Vickers Jeanne Publication: London Zed Books 1991 . 146p Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (2),

52. Statistics since independence   Publication: Thiruvananthapuram Department of Economics and Statistics 1998 . 178p. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

53. Committees and commissions in India 1947-73. Vol.XI: 1971-73 by Kumar Virendra Publication: New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 1975 . 333p Date: 1975 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

54. Committees and Commissions in India 1975 by Kumar Virendra Publication: New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 1993 . 251p. Date: 1993 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

55. Committees and Commissions in India 1979 by Kumar Virendra Publication: New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 1994 . 599p. Date: 1994 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

56. Rethinking development: Putting an end to poverty by Bartoli Henri Publication: Paris Unesco 2002 . 183p. Date: 2002 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

57. Visible hands: Taking responsibility for social development - an UNRISD report for Geneva 2000 by United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.; Publication: Unrisd 2000 . 173p Date: 2000 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

58. Family structure, women's education and work: Re-examining the high status of women in Kerala (Working Paper series 341) by Eapen Mridul;Kodoth Praveena Publication: Thiruvananthapuram Centre for Development Studies 2002 . 60 p. Date: 2002 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

59. Kerala: Facts and figures by Gopakumar Konny Publication: Thiruvananthapuram State Resource Centre 2002 . 202p Date: 2002 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

60. Understanding community care: A guide for social workers by McDonald Ann Publication: London Macmillan Press 1999 . 265p. Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

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