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161. India untouched:- The forgotten face of rural poverty by George Abraham M Publication: New Delhi East West Books Pvt.Ltd 2004 . 400p. Date: 2004 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

162. The crisis in government accountability:- Essays on governance reforms and India's economic performance by Mookherjee Dilip Publication: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2004 . 157p Date: 2004 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

163. India's political economy 1947-2004:- The gradual revolution by Frankel Francine R Publication: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2005 . 819p Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

164. The women, gender and development reader by Visvanathan Nalini Publication: London Zed Books 1997 . 396p. Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

165. Economic justice, globalisatin and quest for alternatives by Oommen M A Publication: New Delhi Konark Publishers Pvt Ltd 2004 . 210p Date: 2004 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

166. Indian economy on a fast track by Debroy Bibek Publication: New Delhi Konark Publishing Company Pvt Ltd 2004 . 232p Date: 2004 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

167. Economic growth, economic performance and welfare in South Asia by Jha Raghbendra Publication: New York Palgrave Macmillan 2005 . 407p Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

168. World poverty: A reference handbook by Gilbert Geoffrey Publication: California ABC-CLIO 2004 . 299p. Date: 2004 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

169. Economic reforms sans development by Mujumdar N A Publication: New Delhi Academic Foundation 2004 . 203p. Date: 2004 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

170. Poverty in India:- Global and regional dimenstions by Rao K Nageswara Publication: New Delhi Deep&Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd 2005 . 451p. Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

171. Dimensions of rural poverty by Erraiah G Publication: New Delhi Serials Publications 2005 . 182p. Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

172. Flowing upstream:- Empowering women through water management initiatives in India by Ahmed Sara Publication: New Delhi Foundation Book Pvt. Ltd 2005 . 258p Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

173. Shaping India of our dreams by Agrawal K C Publication: Uttar Pradesh Knowledge Books 2003 . 397p Date: 2003 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

174. Key issues in development by Kingsbury Damien Publication: New York Palgrave Macmillan 2004 . 329p. Date: 2004 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

175. Palgrave advances in development studies by Haynes Jeffrey Publication: New York Palgrace Macmillan 2005 . 357p. Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

176. The new democracy: An essay on certain political and economic tendencies in the united sates by Weyl Walter E Publication: London Transatction Publishers 2005 . 370p. Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

177. Globalization India:- Nation, state and democracy by Bhambhri C P Publication: New Delhi Shipra Publications 2005 . 230p Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

178. Urban development and new localism:- Urban politics in Mumbai by Mohan Sudha Publication: New Delhi Rawat Publications 2005 . 304p Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

179. Information techonology and economic growth:- Study of leading states in India by Desai R G Publication: New Delhi Rawat Publications 2005 . 232p. Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

180. Modernizing women: Searching their identities by Jha Kali Nath Publication: New Delhi Rawat Publications 2005 . 220p. Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

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