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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Your search returned 1243 results. Subscribe to this search

141. The economics of rural organization: Theory, practice and policy by Hoff Karla;et.al Publication: Oxford Oxford University Press 1993 . 590p. Date: 1993 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

142. The Indian economy: Major debates since independence by Byres Terence J Publication: Delhi OUP 1998 . 424p. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

143. Development economics by Ray Debraj Publication: Delhi Oxford University Press 1998 . 848p. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: KILA - IPPL Library (1),

144. India's economic reforms and development: Essays for Manmohan Singh by Ahluwalia Isher Judge Publication: Delhi OUP 1998 . 404p Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

145. Sustainable rural development by Shepherd Andrew Publication: Hampshire Macmillan 1998 . 294p. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

146. Gender population and development by Krishnaraj Maithreyi Publication: New Delhi Oxford University Press 1998 . 363p Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

147. The village in Asia revisited by Breman Jan | Peter Kloos; Ashwani Saith Publication: New Delhi Oxford University Press 1997 . 450p. Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

148. Rural transformation in Asia by Breman Jan;Mundle Sudipto Publication: New Delhi Oxford University Press 1992 . 532p. Date: 1992 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

149. New patterns: Process and changes in human geography by Carr Michael Publication: United Kingdom Thomas Nelson & Sons 1997 . 525p. Date: 1997 Availability: No items available:

150. Knowledge for development: World development report by World Bank Publication: New York Oxford University Press 1999 . 251p Date: 1999 Availability: No items available:

151. Rural sociology in India by Desai A.R Publication: Bombay Popular Prakasan 1997 . 968p Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

152. Gender and employment in India by Papola T.S Publication: New Delhi Vikas 1999 . 439p Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

153. Urban economic development in India by Subrahmanyan V.V;Bawa R.L Publication: New Delhi Galgotia Publishing 1998 . 440p Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

154. The Indian economy 1947-92: Agriculture by Dandekar V.M Publication: New Delhi Sage 1994 . 405p. Date: 1994 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

155. Planning and economic policy in India: Evaluation and lessons for the future by Chattopadhyay Manabendu(ed) Publication: New Delhi Sage 1996 . 215p. Date: 1996 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

156. Reasons for hope: Instructive experiences in rural development by Krishna Anirudh Publication: New Delhi Vistaar 1997 . 322p. Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

157. Indian development: Selected regional perspectives by Dreze Jean Publication: New Delhi Oxford University Press 1996 . 420p. Date: 1996 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

158. Agricultural extension by Ban A.W Vanden Publication: Germany Blackwell 1985 . 294p Date: 1985 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

159. District administration in India by Khera S.S Publication: New Delhi National 1992 . XX, 359p. Date: 1992 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

160. Central planning in India: A critical review by Shenoy Sudha R Publication: New Delhi Wiley Eastern 1971 . 122p. Date: 1971 Availability: Items available: KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY (1),

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