Place Hold on Survival and growth: Management strategies for small firm
]]>By Berger Brigitte. New Delhi Tata Mcgraw Hill 1991 . Viii, 242p 0-07-462037-1
]]>By Drucker Peter F. New Delhi Affiliated East-West Press 1986 . IX, 277p 81-85336-70-9
Place Hold on Innovation and entrepreneurship: Practice and principles
]]>By Tewari Vinod K. Jaipur Printwell 1993 . 392p. 81-7044-322-9
]]>By Kanter Rosabeth Moss. New York Touchstone 1997 . 416p. 0-684-82522-8
Place Hold on World class: Thriving locally in the global economy
]]>By Blakely Edward J. London Sage Publications 1994 . 342p 0-8039-5209-0
Place Hold on Planning local economic development: Theory and practice
]]>By Creevey Lucy E. London IT Publications 1996 . 228p. 1-85339-319-3
]]>By Levitsky Jacob. London Intermediate Technology Publications 1989 . 274p. 1-85339-016-X
]]>By Fisher Thomas. London Intermediate Technology Publications 1997 . 274p. 1-85339-408-4
Place Hold on The forgotten sector: Non-farm employment and enterprises in rural India
]]>By Otero Maria. London IT Publications 1994 . 302p 1-85339-247-2
]]>By Blakely Edward J. London Sage Publications 2002 . 398p. 0-7619-2458-2
Place Hold on Planning local economic development: Theory and practice
]]>By Rogaly Ben. Oxford, UK Oxfam; Humanities Press International 1998 . 43p. 0-85598-408-2
Place Hold on Learning from South-North links in microfinance
]]>By Levitsky Jacob. London ITDG Publishing 2001 . 171p. 1-85339-528-5
]]>By Soundarapandian M. New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 2002 . 247p.: v-1 81-7022-989-8
]]>By Soundarapandian M. New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 2002 . 295p. 81-7022-991-X
]]>By Morris Sebastian. New York Oxford University Press 2001 . 353p. 019-565119-7
Place Hold on The growth and transformation of small firms in India
]]>By Bennett Robert J. Sydney Ashgate 2000 . 291p 0-7546-1553-7
Place Hold on Local and regional economic development: Renegotiating power under labour
]]>By Starr Amory. London Zed Books 2000 . 268p. 1-85649-765-8
Place Hold on Naming the enemy: Anti-corporate movements confront globalization.
]]>By Versluysen Eugene. USA Kumarian Press 1999 . 255p 1-56549-093-2
]]>By Sun Laixiang. United Nations World Institute for Development Economics Research 1999 . 119p 952-9520-91-3
Place Hold on The evolutionary dynamics of China's small- and medium-sized enterprises in the 1990s
]]>By Debroy Bibek. New Delhi Academic Foundation 2005 . 238p. 81-7188-411-3
Place Hold on Small-scale industry in India: Large scale exit problems
]]>By Reinecke Gerhard. Geneva International Labour Organization 2004 . 194p. 92-2-113724-4
Place Hold on Policies for small enterprises: Creating the right enviroment for good jobs
]]>By Joseph Shally. New Delhi Northern Books Centre 2003 . 130p 81-7211-141-X
]]>By Lew Alan A. USA Blackwell Publishing 2004 . 622p. 1-4051-3374-0
]]>By Crouch Colin;Gales Partick Le;Trigilia Carlo;Voelzkow Helmut. New York Oxford University Press 2004 . 376p 0-19-925940-2
Place Hold on Changing governance of local economies: Responses of European local production systems
]]>By Sharma J P. Jaipur Ambika Book Agency 2006 . 457p. 81-87118-02-4
Place Hold on Micro enterprise promotion in agriculture: Indian imperatives and global perspective
]]>By Seekings David. New Delhi Koganpage India Private Limited 2003 . 402p. 81-7554-231-4
Place Hold on The handbook of how to organize effective conferences and meetings
]]>By UN-HABITAT. Kenya UN-HABITAT 2005 . 198p. 92-1-131725-8
Place Hold on Promoting local economic development through strategic planning
]]>By Bhavani T A. New Delhi Ane Books India 2006 . 265p 81-8052-044-7
Place Hold on Globalisation and Indian small scale industries : Technology and competitiveness
]]>By Armstrong Peter. London Palgrave Macmillan 2005 . 255p 1-4039-4588-8
Place Hold on Critique of entrepreneurship - People and policy
]]>By Bridge Simon. New York Palgrave MacMillan 2007 . 520p. 0-333-96499-3
Place Hold on Understanding enterprise, entrepreneurship and small business
]]>By Bhatnagar,Amitabh. New Delhi Concept publishing 2008 . 434p 81-8069-567-0
Place Hold on Rural Microfinance and Microenterprise:Informal revolution
]]>By Coen David. New York Oxford University Press 2010 . xv, 787 p 978-0-19-921427-3
Place Hold on The Oxford handbook of business and government
]]>By Dhameja, S. K.(ed.) | Rathore, B. S.(ed.). Jaipur Rawat Publication 1999 . 388p. 81-7033-546-9
]]>By Dessing, Maryke. Washington World Bank 1990 . xi,69p. 0-8213-1553-6
Place Hold on Support for microenterprises : lessons for sub-Saharan Africa
]]>By Nanda, K. C.. New Delhi Response 1999 . 289p. 0-7619-9365-7
Place Hold on Credit and banking : what every small entrepreneur (and banker) must know
]]>By Mathur, Satish B.. New Delhi Concept Publishing 1999 . xviii,340p. 8170227445
]]>Place Hold on Organising Rural Business : policy, planning, and management
]]>Place Hold on Entrepreneurship and small business management
]]>Place Hold on Organisation and Management of Small-Scale Industries
]]>By Stewart, Frances; A.T.(ed.) | Thomas, Henk(ed.) | Wilde, Ton de(ed.). London | Washington, D.C. IT Publications | Appropriate Technology International 1990 . xxiv,486p. 1853390593
]]>By Singh, Andrea Menefee(ed.) | Kelles-Viitanen, Anita(ed.). New Delhi Sage 1987 . 269p. 0-8039-9524-5
Place Hold on Invisible Hands : women in home-based production
]]>By Taub, Richard P. | Taub, Doris L.. New Delhi Manohar 1989 . viii,197p. 81-85054-63-0
Place Hold on Entrepreneurship in India's Small-Scale Industries : an exploration of social contexts