By Puttaswamaiah K. New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1989 . XXX, 423p. 81-204-0452-1
Place Hold on Poverty and rural development: Planners, peasants and poverty
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Place Hold on Integrated rural development in Asia: Learning from recent experience
]]>By Rao Aruana. Connecticut Kumarian Press 1991 . VIII, 103p. 0-931816-62-9
Place Hold on Gender analysis in development planning: A case book
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]]>By Hulme David. London Routledge 1996 . 221p 0-415-12431-X
]]>By Krishna Anirudh. New Delhi Vistaar 1997 . 322p. 81-7036-712-3
Place Hold on Reasons for hope: Instructive experiences in rural development
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Place Hold on Administrative systems of developing societies
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Place Hold on People-centered governance: Essays in honour of professor K.D. Trivedi
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]]>By Koning Korrie de. New Delhi Vistaar Publications 1996 . 242p. 81-7036-602-X
Place Hold on Patricipatory Research in Health : Issues & Experiences
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]]>By Kumar,Meeta. New delhi Academic Foundation 2010 . 302p 978-81-7188-814-6
Place Hold on Economic challenges to make south Asia free from poverty and deprivation
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Place Hold on Democratic rural organizations : Thresholds for Evolution in Africa and Asia
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Place Hold on Rural Change in South Asia : India, Pakistan, Bangladesh
]]>By Etienne, Gilbert. New Delhi Vikas Publishing 1995 . xiv,352p. 070698756X
Place Hold on Rural Change in South Asia : India, Pakistan, Bangladesh
]]>Place Hold on Rural Development : capitalist and socialist paths : India and Bangladesh