By Farris Martin T. Boston Houghton Mifflin Company 1973 . XII, 355p. 0-395-13884-1
Place Hold on Public utilities: Regulation, management and ownership
]]>By Eyre E.C. London MacMillan 1982 . XV, 266p 0-333-38802-X
]]>By Chopra R. New Delhi Anmol Publications 1990 . 320p 81-7041-134-3
]]>By Subramanian S R . New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1987 . XVI, 441p. 81-204-0163-8
]]>By Bhattacharya S. New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1981 . XXVii, 250p. 81-204-0049-6
]]>By Prasad K.N. New Delhi Concept Publishing 1927 . 472p 81-7022-324-5
]]>Place Hold on Rural development in India: Poverty and development
]]>By Suresh K.A;. New Delhi Ashish Publishing House 1990 . 193p 81-7024-297-5
]]>By Goel B.B. New Delhi Deep & Deep Publications 1988 . 370 81-7100-084-3
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Renaissance Publishing House 1988 . VI, 228p. 81-85199-28-0
Place Hold on Micro level planning for agricultural marketing
]]>By Rajagopal. Delhi Daya Publishing House 1991 . VII, 131p. 81-7035-101-4
]]>Place Hold on Improving delivery systems for rural developments
]]>By Shivamaggi H.B. New Delhi Mittal Publications 1992 . 254p 81-7099-459-4
]]>By Kelly Francis J. New York Warner Books 1986 . 260p 0-446-39121-2
Place Hold on What they really teach you at the harvard business school
]]>By Marconi Joe. New Delhi Affiliated East-West Press 1992 . IX, 216p 81-85938-01-6
Place Hold on Crisis marketing: When bad things happen to good companies
]]>By Ahmad Shamim. New Delhi Ashish Publishing House 1991 . Viii, 156p 81-7024-407-2
]]>By Giles G.B. Great Britain Macdonald & Evans Ltd 1969 . IX, 236p 0-7121-2804-2
]]>By Kumar Prem. New Delhi Akasdeep Publishing House 1992 . XVIII, 405p. 81-7158-259-1
]]>By Kumar Prem. New Delhi Anmol Publications 1991 . VIII, 243p. 81-7041-370-2
]]>By Parkinson Northcote C. Bombay IBH Publishers 1992 . 209p. 81-85028-22-2
]]>By Metzger Robert O. New Delhi Sage 1993 . VIII, 136 0-8039-5046-2
]]>By Walsh Kieron. London Longman 1989 . 116p 0-582-02553-2
]]>Place Hold on Education and development in Asia and the Pacific
]]>By Sami A;Asghar J. New Delhi Rajesh Publications 1994 81-85891-03-6
]]>By Adams Scott. New York Harper Collins 1996 . 336p. 0-88730-787-6
]]>Place Hold on Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling and controlling
]]>By Jha S.M. Mumbai Himalaya 1999 . 293p 81-7493-567-3
]]>By Papola T.S. New Delhi Vikas 1999 . 439p 81-259-0700-9
]]>By Dandekar V.M. New Delhi Sage 1994 . 405p. 0-8039-9185-1
]]>By Black Alan. New York McGraw - Hill, INC 1995 . 411p. 0-07-113950-8
]]>By Taori Kamal. New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 2000 . 351p. 81-7022-818-2
Place Hold on Sustainable human development: Issues and challenges
]]>By Blakely Edward J. London Sage Publications 1994 . 342p 0-8039-5209-0
Place Hold on Planning local economic development: Theory and practice
]]>By Vipradas Mahesh. New Delhi Tata Energy Research Institute 2001 . 138p. 81-85419-81-7
]]>By Datt Ruddar. New Delhi S. Chand & Company Ltd 1965 . 960p 81-219-0298-3