By Stillman Richard J II. London Houghton Mifflin Company 1976 . XII, 396p 0-395-20606-5
]]>By Eyre E.C. London MacMillan 1982 . XV, 266p 0-333-38802-X
]]>By Menon A.S. Trivandrum CBH Publications 1990 . XV, 206p. 81-85381-04-6
]]>By Subramanian S R . New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1987 . XVI, 441p. 81-204-0163-8
]]>By Reddy P.N. Bombay Himalaya Publishing House 1990 . 304p. 81-7040-140-2
]]>By Srivastava Om Prie. Bombay Himalaya Publishing House 1991 . 403p 81-7040-279-4
]]>By Trivedi R.N. New Delhi Commonwealth Publishers 1990 . 131p 81-7169-084-X
]]>By Mills Geoffrey. Great Britain ELBS 1963 . XII, 496p. 0-273-02668-2
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Renaissance Publishing House 1988 . VI, 228p. 81-85199-28-0
Place Hold on Micro level planning for agricultural marketing
]]>By Pati R.N. New Delhi Ashish Publishing 1992 . XVII, 308p. 81-7024-460-9
]]>By Rao Sankara M. New Delhi Deep & Deep Publications 1991 . VI, 155p 81-7100-351-6
Place Hold on Public administration and management: With special reference to India
]]>By Singh Pramod. New Delhi Ashish Publishing 1990 . XVIII, 382p 81-7024-309-2
]]>By Thakur B.S. New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 1988 . XXVI, 169p. 81-7022-249-4
Place Hold on Media utilization for the development of women and children
]]>Place Hold on Urban local government and administration in India
]]>By Kelly Francis J. New York Warner Books 1986 . 260p 0-446-39121-2
Place Hold on What they really teach you at the harvard business school
]]>By Robinson David. New Delhi Universal Book Stall 1988 . 120p. 81-85461-43-0
]]>By Arora S.P. New Delhi Vikas Publishing House 1980 . X, 570p. 0-7069-6554-X
]]>By Dubey V.K. New Delhi Common Wealth Publishers 1991 . XII, 216p 81-7169-147-1
Place Hold on Perspectives in rural management: Rural management information and appraisal systems
]]>By Brody Ralph. New Delhi Sage Publications 1993 . XVi, 270p. 0-8039-5028-4
Place Hold on Effectively managing human service organizations
]]>By Bigelow John D. New Delhi Sage Publications 1991 . Xiii, 269p. 0-8039-4095-5
Place Hold on Managerial skills: Explorations in practical knowledge
]]>By Clampitt Phillip G. London Sage Publications 1991 . IX, 323p 0-8039-5395-x
]]>By Fowler Alan. London Longman 1988 . 122p 0-582-02554-0
]]>By Adams Scott. New York Harper Collins 1996 . 336p. 0-88730-787-6
]]>By Hart Roger A. London Earth Scan 1997 . 208p. 1-85383-322-3
]]>By Borja Jordi. London Earth Scan 1997 . 277p. 1-85383-441-6
Place Hold on Local and global: The management of cities in the information age
]]>By Bono Edward de. London Penguin Books 1981 . 200p. 0-14-013776-9
]]>By Modak Prasad. New Delhi Oxford University Press 1999 . 364p. 0-19-565540-0
Place Hold on Conducting environmental impact assessment in developing countries
]]>By Rae Leslie. New Delhi Crest Publishing House 2002 . 239p. 81-242-0268-0
Place Hold on The art of training and development in management: Using training aids
]]>By Rae Leslie. New Delhi Crest Publishing House 2002 . 237p. 81-242-0268-0
Place Hold on The art of training and development in management: Using people skills
]]>By Datt Ruddar. New Delhi S. Chand & Company Ltd 1965 . 960p 81-219-0298-3
]]>By Fulford David. London ITDG Publishing 1988 . 187p. 0-946688-49-4
]]>By Warren D Michael. London Intermediate Technology Publications 1995 . 582p. 1-85339-251-0
Place Hold on The cultural dimension of development: Indigenous knowledge systems
]]>By Westendorff David;Eade Deborah. UK Oxfam 2002 . 368p 0-85598-465-1
]]>By Narula Uma. New Delhi Har-Anand 2001 . 97p 81-241-0711-4
Place Hold on Mass communication technology: New perspectives
]]>By Prior John. Mumbai Jaico Publishing House 2002 . 712p 81-7224-486-X
Place Hold on Encyclopaedia of management: Training and development
]]>By Pande Peter S. New Delhi Tata McGraw-Hill 2002 . 403p. 0-07-058398-6
]]>By Sundaram K V. New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 2004 . 575p. 81-8069-096-2
]]>By Virmani Arvind. New Delhi Academic Foundation 2004 . 327p 81-7188-345-1
Place Hold on Accelerating growth and poverty reduction:- A policy framework for India's development
]]>By Mai Robert. London American Management Association 2003 . 276p. 0-8144-0740-4