Place Hold on India: Recent economic developments and prospects
]]>Place Hold on Implementing agenda 21: NGO experiences from around the world
]]>By Guha Ramachandra. New Delhi Oxford University Press 1994 . 398p 019564454-9
Place Hold on Social ecology: Oxford in India readings in sociology and social anthropology
]]>By Canter Larry W. New York McGraw-Hill 1996 . 660p 0-07-114103-0
]]>By Divan Shyam;Rosencranz Armin. New Delhi Oxford University Press 2001 . 837p. 019566173-7
Place Hold on Environmental law and policy in India: Cases, materials and statutes
]]>By Rajalakshmi N. New Delhi Manak Publications 2002 . 272p. 81-7827-029-3
]]>By Lead India. Hyderabad Orient Longman 2002 . 322p. 81-250-2293-7
Place Hold on Rio, Johannesburg and beyond: India's progress in sustainable development
]]>By Swahney Aparna. England Ashgate Publishing Limited 2004 . 156p 0-7546-1915-X
Place Hold on The new face of environmental management in India
]]>By Agrawal Arun. New Delhi Oxford University Press 2005 . 325p 019567840-0
Place Hold on Environmentality:- Technologies of government and the making of subjects
]]>By Mishra R K. New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 2006 . 255p. 81-8069-257-4
Place Hold on Economic liberalisation and public enterprises
]]>By Ramakrishnan P S. New Delhi National Book Trust 2001 . 198p. 81-237-3622-3
]]>New Delhi Academic Foundation 2006 . 404p 81-7188-492-X
Place Hold on Indian economy documents compendium 2006: Reports, policy documents, discussion papers
]]>By Bagga R K. New Delhi Sage Publications 2005 . 325p. 0-7619-3399-9
]]>By Chary S N;Vyasulu Vinod. New Delhi MacMillan India Ltd 2000 . 358p. 0333-93333-8
Place Hold on Environmental management- An Indian perspective
]]>By Kumar Pushpam. New Delhi Ane Books 2005 . 340p 81-8052-057-9
]]>By Rasure,KA. New Delhi Serials Publications 2007 . 556p 81-8387-083-X
]]>By Kulkarni,Vijay. Bangalore Indian Institute of Science 2006 . 375p. 978-81-7993-184-4
]]>By Damodaran, A. New Delhi Oxford University Press, 2010 . xxi, 347 p 0-19-806675-9
Place Hold on Encircling the seamless : India, climate change, and the global commons
]]>By Murugan, Annamalai. New Delhi Regal Publications 2016 . xiii, 553 p 978-81-8484-545-7
Place Hold on Environmental legal framework and policy instruments : development and emerging trends
]]>By Shanmugam, K. R. New Delhi SAGE Publications, 2016 . 479p. 978-93-515-0649-2
]]>By Kumar, Abhay . New Delhi Gyan Publishing House 2015 . 176 p 978-81-212-1275-5
]]>By Sahu, Geetanjoy,. New Delhi Orient Blackswan 2014 . xviii, 323 pages ; , "Tata Institute of Social Sciences." 9788125055037
Place Hold on Environmental jurisprudence and the Supreme Court :
]]>By Vijay Kulkarni | Ramachandra T.V.. New Delhi TERI Press 2006 . 375 p. 978-81-7993-184-4
]]>By Sahoo, Basudeb. New Delhi APH Publishing Corporation 1996 . xxi,298p. 81-7024-784-5
]]>Place Hold on Economic Development and environment: a case study of india
]]>By Bhattacharya, Rabindra N.. New Delhi Oxford University Press 2001 . xiv,291p. 0-19565556-7
Place Hold on Environmental Economics : An Indian perspective
]]>Place Hold on Environmentalism :politics, ecology, and development
]]>By Dinesh Kumar Mishra(ed.) | Rajendra, Singh(ed.). New Delhi APH Publishing 1996 81-7024-771-3
]]>By Basu, Pahari(ed.). New Delhi Reliance Pub. House 1997 . 99 p. 8175100834
]]>By Gian Singh. New Delhi agricole publishing Academy 1991 . xvi,266p. 81-85005-76-1
]]>By Hoshiar Singh. Jaipur Printwell 1992 . xxvi,282p. 81-7044-283-4
]]>By Sandhya Venkateswaran. New Delhi Sage Publication 1995 . 234p. 81-7036-440-X
]]>By Koli, P. A. New Delhi Serials Publications 2005 . 162p. 81-86771-66-2
]]>By Rangarajan, Mahesh(ed.). New Delhi Pearson Education 2007 . xxvii,570p. 81-317-0810-1
]]>By Sudarsan, K'cherry(ed.) | Sinha R.K.(ed.). New Delhi Commonwealth Publishers 1996 . 319p. 8171693814
]]>By Agarwal, S. K.. New Delhi APH Publishing 2005 . ix,285p. 81-7648-822-4
]]>By Mukherjee, Sacchidananda . New York Routledge 2015 . 218p. 978-1-138-06693-9
]]>By Breton, Albert | Brosio, Giorgio | Dalmazzone, Silvana | Garrone, Giovanna . UK Edward Elgar 2007 . 668p. , Book issued by Sixth State Finance Commission for safe keeping and future reference. 978 1 84720 3984
]]>By Anil Kumar De, | Arnab Kumar De, . Newdelhi Newage international 2001 . xiii,209p. 8122412939
]]>By Bhatt,M.S. (ed.) | Shahid Ashraf (ed.) | Asheref IIiyan (ed.). Newdelhi Aakar books 2008 . ix,550p. 9788189833596
Place Hold on Problems and prospects of environment policy : Indian perspective
]]>By Kanchi Kohli | Manju Menon. Newyork Cambridge university 2021 . xiii,367p. 9781108748490
]]>By Ciecierska-Holmes, Natalia (ed.). London Routledge 2020 . x,265p. 9780367357658
]]>By Shyam Divan | Armin Rosencranz . New Delhi Oxford University Press 2022 . 964p. 9780192871831
Place Hold on Environmental law and policy in India: Cases and materials