By Pareek Udai. New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1981 . 410p 81-204-0012-7
]]>By Pareek Udai . New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing Co 1981 . 410p 81-204-0012-7
]]>By Kumar Ashok. New Delhi Commonwealth Publishers 1990 . xvi, 304p 81-7169-091-2
]]>Place Hold on Urban local government and administration in India
]]>Place Hold on The gazetteer of India: Economic structure and activities
]]>By Rees Gareth. London Macmillan 1994 . 189p. 0-333-72228-0
]]>By Ledgerwood Joanna. Washington The World Bank 1999 . 286p 0-8213-4306-8
Place Hold on Microfinance handbook: An institutional and financial perspective
]]>By Blakely Edward J. London Sage Publications 1994 . 342p 0-8039-5209-0
Place Hold on Planning local economic development: Theory and practice
]]>By Basotia G.R;Sharma K.K. Jaipur Mangal Deep Publications 1999 . 429p 81-7594-032-8
]]>Place Hold on Report of the committee on panchayati raj institutions
]]>By Blakely Edward J. London Sage Publications 2002 . 398p. 0-7619-2458-2
Place Hold on Planning local economic development: Theory and practice
]]>By Narasimham M. New Delhi UBSPD 2002 . 428p 81-7476-381-3
]]>By Chawla N.K. New Delhi Academic Foundation 2004 . 249p 81-7188-370-2
Place Hold on State of the Indian Farmer - A millennium study :- Animal Husbandry
]]>Geneva International Labour Organization 2004 . 145p. 92-2-115237-5
]]>By Misra Dharmendra. Jaipur Aalekh Publishers 2005 . 259p 81-87359-29-3
]]>By Frankel Ernst G. New York Palgrave MacMillan 2005 . 303p. 1-4039-4949-2
Place Hold on Managing development: Measures of success and failure in development
]]>By Narayana N. New Delhi Serial publications 2006 . 470p.: V-1 81-8387-008-2
]]>By Alur Mithu. New Delhi Viva Books 1998 . 297p. 81-7649-437-2
Place Hold on Invisible children: A study of policy exclusion
]]>New Delhi Academic Foundation 2006 . 404p 81-7188-492-X
Place Hold on Indian economy documents compendium 2006: Reports, policy documents, discussion papers
]]>By Narwani G S. New Delhi Rawat Publications 2002 . 304p. 81-7033-745-3
]]>By Dwivedi Rishi Muni. New Delhi New Century Publications 2006 . 402p. 81-7708-117-9
]]>By Bhattacharya Sanjay. New Delhi Rawat Publications 2006 . 434p 81-7033-926-x
]]>By Jalihal K A. New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 2007 . 312p. 81-8069-348-1
Place Hold on Fundamentals of extension education and management in extension
]]>By Hulse Joseph H. New Delhi Cambridge University Press 2007 . 371p. 978-81-7596-521-8
Place Hold on Sustainable development at risk : Ignoring the past
]]>By Mitchell,jonathan. London Earthscan 2010 . 157p. 978-1-84407-888-2
Place Hold on Tourism and poverty reduction:Pathways to prosperity
]]>By Vashishth,C P . New Delhi Indian Library Association 1992 . 318p. 81-85216-25-8
Place Hold on Library and information technology, in pursuit of excellence : seminar papers
]]>Place Hold on Pradesika bharanam : Janapradinidhikalkulla Certificate Program kaipusthakam Vol I
]]>By Sreedhar, G . New Delhi Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd 2014 . xxii, 496 p 93-5125-042-3
Place Hold on Rural development in India : strategies and processes
]]>By Swargesh Kumar. New delhi Shandilya Publications 2018 . 249 p. 978-81-936378-8-3
]]>By Vatsala Srivastava(ed.). New Delhi Serials Publications 2003 . 188p. 81-86771-19-0
Place Hold on Social and Economic Dimensions of Indian Population
]]>By Kaur, Parminder. New Delhi Anmol Publications 1996 . viii,298p. 8174882693
Place Hold on Human Resource Development for Rural Development
]]>By Narwani G S. New Delhi Rawat Publications 2002 . 304p. 81-7033-745-3