By Obminsky Ernest. New Delhi Sterling Publishers 1988 . 87p. 81-207-0958-6
]]>By Pande G.C. New Delhi Anmol Publications 1989 . XXI, 346p. 81-7041-128-9
]]>By Kumar B. New Delhi Deep & Deep Publications 1988 . 320p. 81-7100-075-4
Place Hold on Planning development and poverty alleviation: A 21st century perspective
]]>Washington The World Bank . 171p. 0-8213-1420-3
Place Hold on India, recent developments and medium-term issues
]]>By Thakur Devendra. New Delhi Deep and Deep Publications 1991 . 683p. 81-7100-324-9
]]>Place Hold on Planning and development of key sectors in India: Rural sector development
]]>By Thakur Devendra. New Delhi Deep & Deep Publication 1991 . XI, 1339p. 81-7100-327-3
Place Hold on Planning and development of key sectors in India: Industrial sector development
]]>By Thakur Devendra. New Delhi Deep & Deep Publications 1991 . XIII, 1252p. 81-7100-328-1
Place Hold on Planning and development of key sectors in India
]]>By Mathivaanan Samuel C. New Delhi Manas Publications 1991 . IX, 133p. 81-7049-052-9
]]>Place Hold on Regional structure of development and growth in India
]]>Place Hold on Regional structure of development and growth in India
]]>Oxford Oxford University Press 1994 . 254p. 0-19-520991-5
Place Hold on World development report 1994: Infrastructure for development
]]>Place Hold on Eighth five year plan 1992-97; sectoral programmes of development
]]>By Franke Richard W. New Delhi Promilla & Co 1992 . 122p. 81-85002-16-9
]]>By The World Bank. Oxford ; New York Oxford University Press 1995 . 346p. 0-19-521106-5
Place Hold on Bureaucrats in business: The economics and politics of government ownership
]]>By Parikh Kirit S. Calcutta OUP 1997 . XII, 257p. 0-19-564207-4
]]>By UNCHS. Nairobi UNCHS 1991 . 154p. 92-1-131160-8
]]>By Caufield Catherine. London Macmillan 1996 . xii, 432p. 0-333-66262-8
Place Hold on Masters of illusion: The world bank and the poverty of nations
]]>By Singh Inderjit. Baltimore The Johus Hopkins University Press 1990 . 444p. 0-8018-3954-8
Place Hold on The great ascent: The rural poor in South Asia
]]>By International Monetary Fund. Washington International Monetary fund 1996 . 189p 1-55775-567-1
]]>By Dreze Jean. Delhi Oxford University Press 1998 . 292p. 0-19-564082-9
Place Hold on India: Economic development and social opportunity
]]>By Lal Deepak. New York Oxford University Press 1996 . 458p. 0-19-828863-8
Place Hold on The political economy of poverty, equity and growth
]]>By Rao C.H. Hanumantha. New Delhi Sage 1996 . 271p. 0-8039-9302-1
Place Hold on Economic reforms and poverty alleviation in India
]]>By Dreze Jean. New Delhi Oxford University Press 1996 . 420p. 0-19-564459-X
Place Hold on Indian development: Selected regional perspectives
]]>By Shenoy Sudha R. New Delhi Wiley Eastern 1971 . 122p. 0-85226-810-6
]]>Place Hold on Inflation, structural change and external equilibrium
]]>By Cranney Brenda. New Delhi Sage Publications 2001 . 287p. 0-7619-9555-2
Place Hold on Local environment and lived experience: The mountain women of Himachal Pradesh
]]>By Oommen, M.A. New Delhi Institute of Social Sciences 1999 . 220p. 81-7022-764-X
Place Hold on Rethinking development: Kerala's development experience
]]>By Oommen M.A. New Delhi Institute of Social Sciences 1999 . 521p 81-7022-765-8
Place Hold on Rethinking development: Kerala's development experience
]]>By Sen Amartya. New Delhi Oxford University Press 1999 . 366p. 019-565526-5
]]>By Gylfason Thorvaldur. New York Oxford University Press 1999 . 188 0-19-877614-4
]]>By Bhaduri Amit. New Delhi Oxford University Press 1999 . 197p 019564901-X
]]>By Datt Ruddar. New Delhi S. Chand & Company Ltd 1965 . 960p 81-219-0298-3
]]>By Mehta Prayag. New Delhi Sage Publications 1998 . 252p. 0-7619-9257-X
]]>By Patnaik Utsa. New Delhi Tulika 1999 . 460p. 81-85229-09-0
Place Hold on The long transition: Essays on political economy
]]>By Ethier Diane. Great Britain Macmillan Press Ltd 1997 . 180p 0-333-69556-9
Place Hold on Economic adjustment in new democracies: Lessons from southern Europe
]]>By Morales Juan Antonio. London Macmillan Press Ltd 1996 . 242p. 0-333-64271-6
Place Hold on Economic policy and the transition to democracy: The Latin American experience
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]]>By Parikh Kirit S. New Delhi Oxford University Press 2002 . 273p 019565883-3