By Van de Walle Dominique;Nead Kimberly. Washington D.C Baltimore 1995 . 619p 0-8018-5255-2
Place Hold on Public spending and the poor: Theory and evidence
]]>Place Hold on Uthpadana mikavinum bharanathikavinum (Malayalam)
]]>By Melkote Srinivas R. New Delhi Sage Publications 2001 . 491p. 0-7619-9511-0
Place Hold on Critical issues in communication: Looking inward for answers
]]>By Jayakumar M. Government of Kerala State Committee on Science, Technology and Environment 2001 . 69p. 81-86366-30-X
]]>By Jayakumar M. Government of Kerala State Committee on Science, Technology and Environment 2001 . 69p. 81-86366-30-X
]]>Nairobi United Nations Centre for Human Settlements 1997 . 187p. 92-1-131327-9
]]>By Narula Uma. New Delhi Har-Anand 2001 . 97p 81-241-0711-4
Place Hold on Mass communication technology: New perspectives
]]>By Hodess Robi. London Profile books 2003 . 326p. 1-86197-476-0
Place Hold on Global corruption report 2003: Transparency international
]]>By Benson Laurie K. New Delhi Jaico Publishing House 2002 . 101p 81-7992-080-1
]]>By Economist. London Profile Books 2001 . 402p. 1-86197-386-1
Place Hold on E-Trends- Making sense of the electronic communications revolution
]]>By Gupta M P. New Delhi Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 2004 . 560p. 0-07-058359-5
Place Hold on Promises of E-Governance: Operational challenges
]]>By Hindle Tim. London Profile Books 2003 . 247p. 1-86197-423-X
]]>By Haig Matt. New Delhi Kogan Page India Limited 2002 . 122p. 81-7554-182-2
]]>By Palanithurai G. New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 2004 . 98p 81-8069-129-2
Place Hold on Dynamics of new panchayati raj system in India
]]>By Dhameja Alka. New Delhi Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited 2003 . 379p. 81-203-2403-X
]]>By Percival-Straunik Lindsay. London Profile Books 2002 . 203p. 1-86197-283-0
]]>By Prahalad C K. Delhi Pearson Education 2005 . 401p. 81-297-0712-8
Place Hold on The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid:- Eradicating poverty through profits
]]>By Debroy Bibek. New Delhi Academic Foundation 2004 . 652p 817188358-3
]]>By Panneervel P. New Delhi Rawat Publications 2005 . 248p 81-7033-919-7
]]>By Shane Peter M. London Routledge 2004 . 279p 0-415-94865-7
Place Hold on Democracy online:- The prospects for political renewal through the internet
]]>By Stewart John. New York Palgrave MacMillan 2003 . 273p 0-333-96465-9
Place Hold on Modernisisng British local government: An assessment of labour's reform programme
]]>By Gordon Jeffrey. London International Solar Energy Society 2005 . 706p 1-902916-23-9
Place Hold on Solar Energy:- The state of the art (ISES position papers)
]]>By Kapila Raj. New Delhi Academic Foundation 2004 . 256p 817188450-4
]]>By Jagmohan. New Delhi Allied Publishers Private Limited 2005 . 516p. 81-7764-831-4
]]>By Sarngadharan M. New Delhi New Century Publications 2005 . 375p. 81-7708-092-x
Place Hold on Tourism and sustainable economic development:- India and global perspectives
]]>By Desai R G. New Delhi Rawat Publications 2005 . 232p. 81-7033-953-7
Place Hold on Information techonology and economic growth:- Study of leading states in India
]]>By Anita C. Hyderabad ICFAI University Press 2005 . 158p 81-7881-422-6
]]>By Bhatnagar Subhash. New Delhi Sage Publications 2004 . 202p. 0-7619-3259-3
Place Hold on E-Government:From vision to implementation- A practical guide with case studies
]]>By Saith Ashwani. New Delhi Sage Publications 2005 . 474p. 0-7619-3339-5
Place Hold on ICTs and Indian economic development:- Economy, work, regulation
]]>By Singh Amita. New Delhi Sage Publications 2005 . 319p 0-7619-3392-1
Place Hold on Administrative reforms:- Towards sustainable practices
]]>By ed. by Rao P S N. New Delhi Kanishka Publishers 2006 . 544p 81-7391-801-5
Place Hold on Urban governance and management:- Indian initiatives
]]>Place Hold on Agriculture and rural development in India:- Post-liberalisation initiatives
]]>By United Nations. New York United Nations 2004 . 349p 92-1-120412-7
]]>By Heeks Richard. New Delhi Vestaar Publications 2006 . 293p. 81-7829-634-9
Place Hold on Implementing and managing e-government: An international text
]]>By Marshall Stewart;Taylor Wal;Yu Xinghuo. London Idea Group Publishing 2004 . 302p 1-59140-278-6
Place Hold on Using community informatics to transform regions
]]>By Hilty Lorenz M. London Idea Group Publishing 2005 . 378p 159140343-X
Place Hold on Information systems for sustainable development
]]>By Huque Ahmed Shafiqul. New York Tylor and Francis 2006 . 868p 1-57444-556-1
]]>By Frank Howard A. London Taylor & Francis 2006 . 805p 0-8493-9566-6
]]>By Druke Helmut. London Routledge 2005 . 300p 0-415-35566-4
Place Hold on Local electronic government: A comparative study
]]>By Breit William. New Delhi Academic Foundation 2006 . 351p 81-7188-526-8
Place Hold on Lives of the laureates: Eighteen nobel economists
]]>By United Nations. New York United Nations 2005 . 248p 92-1-112679-7
Place Hold on Information economy report 2005: e-commerce and development
]]>By Krishna S. England Ashgate Publishing Limited 2003 . 367p 0-7546-3445-0
Place Hold on The digital challenge: Information technology in the development context
]]>By United Nations. New York United Nations 2005 . 231p. 92-1-104536-3
]]>By Chand Vikram K. New Delhi Sage Publications 2006 . 404p. 0-7619-3489-8
Place Hold on Reinventing public service delivery in India : Selected case studies
]]>By Reddy Sanjeev. New Delhi Kanishka Publishers 2006 . 172p. 81-7391-864-3
Place Hold on Good governance : Case studies in administrative innovations
]]>Place Hold on Sixty years of Indian agriculture 1947 to 2007