Place Hold on Kerala service manual: Special rules for Kerala state and subordinate services
]]>Place Hold on Indian Bharanaghadanayum Governmentum (Malayalam)
]]>By Basu Rumki. New Delhi Sterling Publishers 1990 . 414p 81-207-1136-x
]]>By Perry James L. London Jossey - Bass Publishers 1989 . XXXIV, 660p 1-55542-128-8
]]>By Maheshwari Shriram. New Delhi Orient Longman 1968 . 512p. 0-86311-042-8
]]>Place Hold on Training in public administration: The changing perspective
]]>By Jangam R.T. New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1989 . 70p. 81-204-0367-3
Place Hold on Recent theories of administration and management
]]>By Ramachandran Padma. New Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishing 1986 . XVII, 282 p. 81-204-0106-9
]]>By Srivastava Om Prie. Bombay Himalaya Publishing House 1991 . 403p 81-7040-279-4
]]>Place Hold on Current ideas and issues in Indian administration: A developmental perspective
]]>By Dubhashi P.R. New Delhi B.R Publishing 1986 . 207p. 81-7018-342-1
]]>By Jan Mian. New Delhi Deep & Deep Publications 1991 . 224p. 81-7100-290-0
Place Hold on Personnel management in government undertakings
]]>By Wade E.C.S. England ELBS 1931 . XIV, 758p 0-582-01759-9
]]>By Maheshwari Shriram. New Delhi Jawahar Publishers & Distributors 1993 . XIII, 239p. 81-7361-000-2
]]>By Chitkara M.G. New Delhi Ashish 1994 . XVii, 162p 81-7024-614-8
]]>Place Hold on Bureaucracy, development and public management in India
]]>By Pattanayak Raimann. New Delhi Anmol Publications 1994 . 364p. 81-7041-887-9
Place Hold on Encyclopedia of Public Administration: Local government Administration Reform
]]>By Pattanayak Raimann. New Delhi Anmol Publications 1994 . 339p. 81-7041-887-9
Place Hold on Encyclopedia of public administration: Dynamics of Development Administration
]]>By Banerjee Ajit M;Chandrasekharan K.A. New Delhi Tata Mc Graw - Hill 1996 . XV, 451p 0-07-462088-6
]]>By Godbole Madhav. Hyderabad Orient Longman 1996 . 460p 81-250-0883-7
Place Hold on Unfinished innings: Recollections and reflections of a civil servant
]]>By Guhan S. New Delhi Vision Books 1997 . 310p. 81-7094-277-2
]]>Place Hold on Administration and politics in modern democracies
]]>By Henry Nicholas. New Jersey Prentice-Hall 1980 . 511p 0-13-737296-5
]]>Place Hold on Public administration: Readings in institutions processes, behaviour, policy
]]>Place Hold on Political corruption: Readings in comparative analysis
]]>New York Oxford University Press 1999 . 208p 0-19-579306-4
Place Hold on Human development in South Asia 1999: The crisis of governance
]]>By Mehta Vinod. Indian Council of Social Science Research 2000 . 460p. 81-241-0705-X
]]>By Maheshwari S.R. Hyderabad Orient Longman 2001 . 400p. 81-250-1927-8
]]>Place Hold on Administrative reform in Ukraine: Setting the agenda
]]>Place Hold on Workshop on economic reforms and poverty reduction
]]>By Karl Marilee. London Zed Books Ltd 1995 . 173p. 1-85649-192-7
Place Hold on Women and empowerment: Participation and decision making