By Sen Amartya. New Delhi Oxford University Press 1973 . 260p. 0-19-564734-3
]]>By Sen Amartya. New Delhi Oxford University Press 1992 . 207p. 0-19-828928-6
]]>Place Hold on Health, inequality and welfare economics: B.G. Kumar endowment lecture 1995
]]>By Sen Amartya. New Delhi Oxford University Press 1999 . 89p 0-19-565038-7
]]>By Barr Nicholas. USA Edward Elgar 2001 . 706p. 1-85898-705-9
Place Hold on Economic theory and the welfare state : Theory
]]>By Barr Nicholas. USA Edward Elgar 2001 . 655p. 1-85898-705-9
Place Hold on Economic theory and the welfare stat: Income transfers
]]>By Barr Nicholas. USA Edward Elgar 2001 . 630p. 1-85898-705-9
Place Hold on Economic theory and the welfare state : Benefits in kind
]]>By Little I.M.D. New York Oxford University Press 2002 . 302P 0-19-828119-6
]]>By Muelier Dennis C. New York Cambridge University Press 2003 . 768 0-521-89475-1
]]>By Backhaus Jurgen G. London Kulwer Academic Publishers 2004 . 554p 1-4020-7863-3
]]>By Sen Amartya. London Harvard University Press 1997 . 547p. 0-674-76526-5
]]>By Chang Ha-Joon. London Zed Books 2003 . 335p 1-84277-143-4
Place Hold on Globalisation, economic development and the role of the state
]]>By Mallik R M(ed). New Delhi Rawat Publications 2005 . 402p. 81-7033-883-2
]]>By Alkire Sabina. New Delhi Oxford University Press 2002 . 340p. 019-566466-3
Place Hold on Valuing freedoms: Sen's capability approach and poverty reduction
]]>By Sinha K K. New Delhi Manak Publications 2006 . 234p. 81-7827-118-4
Place Hold on Poverty of economics: India and the poverty dilemma
]]>By Singh Ram Binod. New Delhi Concept Publishing Company 2006 . 278p. 81-8069-265-5
]]>By Griffin Ronald C. London MIT Press 2006 . 402p 0-262-07267-x
Place Hold on Water resource economics: The analysis of scarcity, policies and projects
]]>By Jones Chris. London Oxford University Press 2005 . 308p. 0-19-928197-1
]]>By Just Richard E. USA Edward Elgar 2004 . 688p 1-84542-578-2
]]>By Wood Cunningham. London Routledge 2007 . 556p. 0-415-36705-0
Place Hold on Amartya Sen- Critical assessment of contemporary economists
]]>By Wood John Cunningham. London Routledge 2007 . 520p. 0-415-36706-9
Place Hold on Amartya Sen- Critical assessment of contemporary economists
]]>By Wood John Cunningham. London Routledge 2007 . 250p. 0-415-36704-2
Place Hold on Amarya Sen- Critical assessments of contemporary economists
]]>By Wood John Cunningham;Wood Robert D. London Routledge 2007 . 408p 0-415-36703-4
Place Hold on Amartya Sen- Critical assessment of contemporary economists
]]>By Wood John Cunningham;Wood Robert D. London Routledge 2007 . 403p. 0-415-41919-0
Place Hold on Amartya Sen- Critical assessment of contemporary economists
]]>By Besley Timothy. New Delhi Oxford University Press 2006 . 266p 0-19-927150-X
Place Hold on Principled agents ? The political economy of good government
]]>By Screpanti Ernesto. New Delhi Oxford University Press 2006 . 559p 0-19-568315-3
]]>By Stiglitz Joseph E. London W W Norton & Company 2000 . 823p 0-393-96651-8
]]>By Mishan E J. London Routledge 2007 . 316p 978-0-415-34991-8
]]>By Kumar Pushpam. New Delhi Ane Books 2005 . 340p 81-8052-057-9
]]>By Rosen Harvey S. London McGraw Hill 2008 . 596p 978-007-125939-2
]]>By Basu,Kausik. New York Oxford university Press 2009 . 602 978-0-19-923911-5
Place Hold on Arguments for a better world:Essays in honour of Amartya Sen
]]>By Basu,Kausik. New York Oxford university Press 2009 . 630 978-0-19-923997-9
Place Hold on Arguments for a better world:Essays in honour of Amartya Sen
]]>By comim,Flavio. Cambridge cambridge University Press 2008 . 614p. 978-0-521-86287-5
]]>By Marglin,stephen A. Oxford Oxford University Press 2009 . 359p. 978-0-19-806335-3
Place Hold on The dismal science:How thinking like an economist undermines community
]]>By Sen, Amartya. New York Oxford 1987 . 131p. 0-19-562761 X
]]>By Eriksson,Ralf. New York Routledge 2010 . ix, 164 p 978-0-415-47381-1
]]>By Ravi Raman, K.. London ; New York : Routledge 2010 . X, 262 p 978-0-415-54917-2
Place Hold on Development, democracy and the state : critiquing the Kerala model of development
]]>By Ravi Raman, K.. London ; New York , Routledge 2010 . x, 262 p 978-0-415-54917-2
Place Hold on Development, democracy and the state : critiquing the Kerala model of development
]]>Place Hold on Advanced economic theory : microeconomic analysis
]]>By Folland Sherman | Goodman Allen C | Stano Miron. London ; New York :, Routledge 2017 . 751p 978-1-138-20805-6
]]>By Kakwani Nanak | Son Hyun Hwa. London Palgrave Macmillan 2016 . xxix, 355 p 978-1-137-58325-3
Place Hold on Social welfare functions and development : measurement and policy applications
]]>By Walle, Dominique Van de (ed.) | Nead, Kimberly (ed.). London The World bank 1995 . xvii,619p. 0-8018-5255-2
Place Hold on Public Spending and the Poor : Theory and evidence
]]>By Dutta, Bhaskar(ed.). New Delhi Oxford University Press 1994 . 256 p. 0195645995
]]>By Myles, Gareth D.. Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1995 . xvi, 546 p. 0521497698
]]>By Bailey, Stephen J.. Basingstoke Macmillan Press 1999 . xiii,359p. 033366907X
Place Hold on Local Government Economics: principles and practice
]]>By Raghbendra Jha. London Routledge 1998 . 558p. 0-415-14315-2
]]>Place Hold on Inequality and Poverty :a Short critical Introduction
]]>Place Hold on Poverty, chronic poverty and poverty dynamics : policy imperatives