By Khan Zakiya Tasneem. New Delhi Ashish Publishing House 1956 . XXII, 253p. 81-7024-299-1
]]>By Singh Pramod. New Delhi Ashish Publishing 1990 . XVIII, 382p 81-7024-309-2
]]>By Khan Zakiya Tasneem. New Delhi Ashish Publishing House 1956 . XXII, 253p 81-7024-299-1
]]>By Leitmann Josef. Washington World Bank 1994 . iv, 78 p 0-8213-2790-9
]]>Place Hold on Environmental consciousness and urban planning
]]>By Hough Michael. London Routledge 1995 . 326p 0-415-12168-x
]]>By Kreimer Alcira. Washington The World Bank 1993 . 162p. 0-8213-2388-1
Place Hold on Towards a sustainable urban environment: The Rio de Janeiro study
]]>By Berry Brian J.L | John D Kasarda. New York Macmillan Publishing 1977 . 497p 0-02-309050-2
]]>By Hamm Bernd;Muttagi Pandurang K. London Intermediate Technology Publications 1998 . 291p 1-85339-452-1
Place Hold on Sustainable development and the future of cities
]]>Place Hold on The citizens at risk: From urban sanitation to sustainable cities
]]>By Gilbert Richard. London Earthscan 1996 . 203p 1-85383-354-1
Place Hold on Making cities work: The role of local authorities in the urban environment
]]>By Frey Hildebrand. London Spon Press 1999 . 148p. 0-419-22110-7
Place Hold on Designing the city: Towards a more sustainable urban form
]]>By Low Nicholas;Gleeson Brendan;Elander Ingemar;Lidskog Rolf. London Routledge 2000 . 315p 0-415-18769-9
]]>By Miles Malcolm;Hall Tim. London Routledge 2003 . 228p 0-415-26694-7
Place Hold on Urban futures: Critical commentaries on shaping the city
]]>By Bentley Ian. London Routledge 1999 . 298p. 0-415-12824-2
Place Hold on Urban transformations: Power, people and urban design
]]>By Tibbalds Francis. London Spon Press 1992 . 116p. 0-415-23759-9
Place Hold on Making people-friendly towns: Improving the public environment in towns and cities
]]>By Burgess Rod;Carmona Marisa;Kolstee Theo. London Zed Books 1997 . 294p. 1-85649-480-2
]]>By Flanagan William G. London Allyn and Bacon 2002 . 427p. 0-205-33532-2
]]>By Inoguchi Takashi. New York United Nations 1999 . 337p. 92-808-1023-5
Place Hold on Cities and the environment: New approaches for eco-societies
]]>By Bigio Anthony G;Dahiya Bharat. Washington World Bank 2004 . 149p. 0-8213-5796-4
Place Hold on Urban environment and infrastructure:- Toward livable cities
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Place Hold on The vulnerability of cities: Natural disasters and social resilience
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]]>By Ling Ooi Giok. Singapore Institute of Policy Studies 2005 . 243p. 981-256-285-0
Place Hold on Sustainability and cities:- Concept and assessment
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Place Hold on In the nature of cities: Urban political ecology and the politics of urban metabolism
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]]>By Keiner Marco;Koll-Schretzenmayr Martina;Schmid Willy A. England Ashgate Publishing Company 2005 . 277p 0-7546-4417-0
Place Hold on Managing urban futures : Sustainability and urban growth in developing countries
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Place Hold on Disposable cities : Garbage, governance and sustainable development in urban Africa
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Place Hold on Desigining sustainable cities in the developing world
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]]>By Kahn Matthew E. Washington Brooking Institution Press 2006 . 160p 978-0-8157-4815-1
Place Hold on Green cities- Urban growth and the environment
]]>By Munier Nolberto. Netherlands Springer 2006 . 804p. 978-1-4020-5350-4
]]>By Benton-Short Lisa;Short John Rennie. London Routledge 2008 . 281p 978-0-415-35589-6
Place Hold on Cities and nature : Critical introduction to urbanism and the city
]]>UK Edward Elgar 2015 . viii, 294 pages ; 9781783479634
Place Hold on Cities and partnerships for sustainable urban development
]]>UK Edward Elgar 2014 . 304 pages : 9781783475247
Place Hold on Elgar companion to sustainable cities : strategies, methods and outlook
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Place Hold on Governance for urban sustainability and resilience :
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Place Hold on Handbook on green infrastructure :Planning, Design and Implementation
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Place Hold on Urbanisation, environmental degradation and quality of life
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Place Hold on Urban Environment Management : local government and community action