By Lynch Kevin. Cambridge MIT Press 1991 . IX, 853p. 0-262-12143-3
Place Hold on City sense and city design: Writings and projects of Kevyn Lynch
]]>By Kollman Ken;Miller John H;Page Scott E. London MIT Press 2003 . 283p 0-262-11275-2
]]>By Walsh Carl E. London MIT Press 2003 . 612p 0-262-23231-6
]]>By McCally Michael. London MIT Press 2002 . 312p. 0-262-63257-8
Place Hold on Life support: The environment and human health
]]>By Eicher Theo S. London MIT Press 2003 . 327p. 0-262-05069-2
Place Hold on Inequality and growth: Theory and policy implications
]]>By Mol Arthur P J. London MIT Press 2001 . 273p 0-262-13395-4
]]>By Molella Arthur. London The MIT Press 2003 . 398p 0-262-13427-6
]]>By Barro Robert J. London MIT Press 2002 . 179p 0-262-02526-4
Place Hold on Nothing is sacred: Economic ideas for the new millennium
]]>By Cohen Daniel. London MIT Press 2003 . 126p 0-262-53263-8
Place Hold on Our modern times - The new nature of capitalism in the information age
]]>By Razin Assaf;. London MIT Press 2005 . 133p 0-262-18244-0
Place Hold on The decline of the welfare state - Demography and globalization
]]>By Feng Yi. London MIT Press 2003 . 383p 0-262-56211-1
Place Hold on Democracy, governance and economic performance : Theory and evidence
]]>By Aghion Beatriz Armendariz de. London MIT Press 2005 . 346p 0-262-01216-2
]]>By Griffin Ronald C. London MIT Press 2006 . 402p 0-262-07267-x
Place Hold on Water resource economics: The analysis of scarcity, policies and projects
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]]>By Rodden Jonathan. London MIT Press 2003 . 476p 0-262-18229-7
Place Hold on Fiscal decentralization and the challenge of hard budget constraints
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]]>By Lopez-Casasnovas Guillem. London The MIT Press 2005 . 385p. 0-262-12276-6
Place Hold on Health and economic growth - Findings and policy implications
]]>By Bertola Giuseppe. London The MIT Press 2006 . 378p 978-0-262-02601-7
]]>By Cohen Joel E. London The MIT Press 2006 . 597p. 978-0-262-53293-8
]]>By Warner Keith Douglass. London MIT Press 2007 . 273p. 978-0-262-73180-5
Place Hold on Agroecology in action : Extending alternative agriculture through social networks
]]>By Costanza,robert. London MIT Press 2007 . 495p. 978-0-262-03366-4
]]>Place Hold on Toward the healthy city:People,places, and the politics of urban planning
]]>By Rossi, Aldo. Cambridge, Mass MIT Press 1982 . 201 p. 978-0-262-68043-1
]]>By Lynch, Kevin. Cambridge MIT Press, 1960 . 194p. 978-0-262-62001-7
]]>By Lynch, Kevin. Cambridge, Mass MIT Press 1990 . ix, 853 p. 978-0-262-12143-9
Place Hold on City sense and city design : writings and projects of Kevin Lynch
]]>By Lynch, Kevin. Cambridge, Mass MIT Press 1984 . 499p. 978-0-262-12106-4
]]>By Jacobs, Allan B. Cambridge, Mass MIT Press 1995 . ix, 331 p 978-0-262-60023-1
]]>By Gandy Matthew. Cambridge, Massachusetts The MIT Press 2017 . 351p 978-0-262-53372-0
Place Hold on The fabric of space : water, modernity, and the urban imagination
]]>By Portney ,Kent E . Cambridge, Massachusetts : London, England : The MIT Press, cop. 2015 . 235 p 978-0-262-52850-4
]]>Place Hold on Sharing cities : a case for truly smart and sustainable cities
]]>By Brown Hillary | Stigge Byron. Cambridge, Massachusetts The MIT Press 2017 . 305p 978-0-262-53386-7
Place Hold on Infrastructural ecologies : alternative development models for emerging economies
]]>By Kanie Norichika(ed). Cambridge, Massachusetts The MIT Press, 2017 . 333p 978-0-262-53319-5
Place Hold on Governing through goals : sustainable development goals as governance innovation
]]>By Young, Oran R.,. London MIT Press 2017 . xiii, 279 pages : 9780262533843
Place Hold on Governing complex systems : Social Capital for the Anthropocene