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Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook

by The World Bank
Published by : The World Bank (Washington,DC) Physical details: 764p. ISBN:978-0-8213-7587-7.
Subject(s): Women & Agriculture -- Agricultural labours -- Gender and food security -- Gender and agricultural livelihoods, strengthening governance: Gender in policy making processes, institutionalizing in agricultural sector, decentralization and community driven development, gender, self help groups and farmer organizations in agricultural sector, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan- gender and governance issues in local government, gender in agricultural services reforms, Sri Lanka- Gemidiriya community development and livelihood improvement project -- Gender and rural finance : Organizational gender mainstreaming, rural finance products, Andhra Pradesh- women - managed community financial system, Uganda- Kabarole research and resource center's participatory self managed microfinance model -- Gender issues in land policy and administration : Gendered access to land and property, legal reforms and women's property rights, lad dispute resolution, gender responsive titling, Nepal- women gai a voice and greater access to resources through the hills leasehold project, Honduras- pilot project protects women's rights to productive resources -- Gender and agricultural markets : Strengthening the business environment, Capacity development for small scale women entrepreneurs, value adding strategies -- Gender mainstreaming in agricultural water management : Multiple use water service, institutional approach to groundwater development and management, Ghana- upper east region land conservation and smallholder rehabilitation project (LACOSREP), Gambia- lowlands agricultural development programs -- Gender in agricultural innovation and education : Approaches to agricultural extension and training, labour/labor saving technologies and practices, Peru- natural resources management in southern highlands, Tanzania- conservation agriculture for sustainable development, junior farmer field and life schools- empowering orphans and vulnerable youth living in a world with HIV and AIDS -- Gender issues in agricultural labor/ labour : Informal lobor, labor rights and decent work for women agricultural laborers, Thailand- Cargill's labor improvement program for sun valley foods -- Gender in rural infrastructure for agricultural livelihoods : Rural transport, energy, information and communication technologies, sanitation, hygiene and potable water, Peru- rural roads project, Malaysia - Community e- centers -- Gender and natural resources management : Biodiversity, dimensions of climate change, bioenergy, natural resources, gender dimensions of land and water degradation and desertification, gender, biodiversity and local indigenous knowledge systems (LinKS) for food security, India- Karnataka watershed development project -- Gender ad crises- implication for agriculture : Risk management and preventive action, from relief to recovery and self reliance- relationship between food aid and agriculture in complex emergencies, managing land and promoting recovery in postcrisis situations, food aid v/s agricultural support and sustenance of social capital, Niger- taking preventive action with food banks -- Gender in crop agriculture : Soil productivity management, seed production and distribution, crop protection -- Gender in fisheries and aquaculture : Gender responsive institutions for accessing and managing resources, family based system for aquaculture development in Asia, associations for protecting the livelihoods of fishers, processors and traders, gender and alternative livelihoods for fishing communities, Indonesia - coral reef rehabilitation and management program, CARE Bangladesh- family approach in integrated aquaculture -- Gender and livestock : Livestock disease control and biodiversity, marketing, arket integration and value chains, development and use of livestock technologies to improve agricultural livelihoods, Mexico- Indigenous women in sheep improvement research, Massai men's and women's knowledge in cattle breeding -- Gender and forestry : Forests as safety nets- gender, strengthening rights and reducing vulnerability, agroforestry landscape gendered space, knowledge and practice, Bwindi impenetrable national park enterprises development project - protected areas and ecotourism -- Gender issues in monitoring and evaluation : Design of sound gendered monitoring and evaluation systems, gender in high-level programs, policies and newer aid modalities- how should we monitor it, setting gender sensitive indicators and collecting gender disaggregated data, training community members to carry out project planning, monitoring and evaluation
Year: 2009
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