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The process of economic development

by Cypher,James M
Additional authors: Dietz,James L
Edition statement:3rd Ed Published by : Routledge (London) Physical details: 613p ISBN:978-0-415-77104-7.
Subject(s): Industrialization;Agriculture and development;technology and development;International monetary fund -- Economic development. -- BUSINESS & ECONOMICS -- Economic development, economic growth, development require structural change -- Measuring economic growth and development : Income criterion, GDP, DNI, purachasing power parity, HDI, equity -- Development in historical perspective : Economic development, colonialism , European colonialism, merchant capital, British rule in India, de-industrialization, credit and underdevelopment, imperialism, economic dualism -- Theories of development and underdevelopment : Adam Smith- Theory of competitive capitalism and growth, Malthu's theory of population and economic growth, Ricardo's theories of diminishing returns and comparative advantage, Marx's analysis of capitalist development, neoclassical growth models -- Developmentalist theories of economic development : Theory of balance growth, unbalanced growth, unlimited supplies of labour, utilizing economic surpluse -- Heterodox theories of economic development : Latin American structuralists, institutionalist, dependency analysis, classical Marxism -- Structural transformation -- State as a potential agent of transformation from neoliberalism to embedded autonomy : Government in process of development, neliberalism of Deepak lal, political economy, embedded autonomy -- Endogenous growth theories and new strategies for development : Income convergence controversy, path dependence and poverty traps, endogenous growth models, technical efficiency change -- Initial structure transformation - initiating the industrialization process : Lewis dual-economy model of structural transformation, industrialization government and easy ISI, infant industry tariffs, static and dynamic welfare effects of an infant industry tariff, elimination of infant industry protection, industrialization, para-state firms and social groups -- Strategy switching and industrial transformation : Industrial sequencing, foreign exchange, export substitution industrialization, endowments and policies -- Agriculture and development : Inadequate infrastructural investment, primary product mono-exporters, peasant agriculture and small scale cultivators, high-yield varieties, biotechnology, genetically modified food crops and rural productivity, cash crop farmers, large landholdings and agrarian backwardness, agribusiness, land reforms, Korea's saemaul undong -- Population, education and human capital : Demographic transition,determinants of the crude birth rate, children, human capital accumulation -- Technology and development : Total factor productivity and national technology, technology-centred development, industrial innovation, industrial polices to promote an ITLC, macropolices and technological change -- Problems and issues - Transnational corporations and economic development : Import substitution industrialization and TNCs, globally integrated production system, foreign direct investment, less developed countries gains from FDI, capital formation, potential costs of TNCs to a host country, globalization, export promotion, and fallacy of composition, long term costs of TNCs, export processing zones and problem of small nations -- Macroeconomic equilibrium- external balance : Balance of payments, current account- foreign exchange earnings and spending, capital and financial account, exchange rates, real v/s nominal exchange rates, balance of payments, currency overvaluation and possible impact on the balance f payments, external imbalances -- Debt problem and development : External debt problem dilemma, petrodollar recycling, debt crisis, external borrowing, adjustment polices and savings, debt service obligation- debt repayments, debt overhang and future economic growth -- International institutional linkages - international monetary fund, world bank and foreign aid
Year: 2009
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