Planning history and methodology
by Wegener,Michael
Series: Classics in planning, 5. Published by : An Elgar reference collection (Cheltenham) Physical details: 437p ISBN:978-1-84542-091-8.
Decision making
Planning History : Social control - planning as rational mastery of the irrational, behavioural model of rational choice, public administration, choice theory of planning, mixed scanning- third approach to decision making , urban and regional planning, local government and strategic choice, urbanization and urban planning in a capitalistic society, planning and power, ecological communication, American metropolis
Planning methodology : Town planning purpose, municipalities and government, land use, tools of planning, statistical theory of spatial distribution model, general theory of planning, regional science, information theory and multinominal logit and gravity models, social welfare functions, planning support system- computer aided planning, urban planning and geographic information system
Year: 2007