Microfinance in India
by Karmakar,KG
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Sage publications
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 489p
Seif help Groups
Microfinance in India.
Rural development in India.
Financial system for Indian's poor
Microfinance institutions
MFIs in India, Regulatory framework for MFIs, Promoting linkage between banks and MFIs, sustainability of MFIs
SHG-bank linkage programme
SHGs and savings mobilization,Livelihood promotion among SHGs, Emerging SHG federations and challenges, Sustainability of SHGs, Impact of SGSY on SHG : bank linkages
Successful MFI models
Sanghamitra, Building nested institutions of savings and credit froups in India, Banking with poor self employed women, Good practice in SHG book keeping, Attending outreach and viability : case study of Bandhan
Successful bank models
Pandyan Grama bank SHG linkage model, Prathama bank: farmers club model, Bidar DCCB-PACS model, Chandrapur DCCB -Anganvadi model
Innovations for growth : Role of technology as a growth catalyst in the microfinance sector, Leveraging mutual Guarantees for gaining financial access:joint liability groups as collateral substitutes, Credit plus approach for tribal development, Innovations in credit delivery systems
Year: 2008
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