Membership-based organisations of the poor
by Chen,Maratha
Series: Routledge studies in development economics, 58. Published by : Routled (London) Physical details: 376p. ISBN:0-415-77073-4.
Self-Help group
Community organization
Economic assistance
Citizen participation.
Membership based organizations of the poor
General principles : Organizations of poor, influence of organizational structure, membership composition and resources on survival of poor people's social movement organizations
Trade unions : Working class struggles, labor elites, and closed shops- lessons from India's trade unions and experiences of organization, China as a world factory- new practices and struggles of migrant women workers
Cooperatives : Waste picker cooperatives in developing countries, co-operatives and emancipation of the marginalized- case studies from two cities in India, literacy and internal control of community finance institutions in Cambodia
Small delf-help groups : Membership based indigenous insurance associations in Ethiopia and Tanzania, SHG- based microfinance program, community level user groups
Campaigning organizations : Shack/Slum dwellers international- one experience of contribution of membership organizations to pro-poor urban development, membership based organizations of the poor in south African tradition, informal governance and organizational success- effects of noncompliance among Lima's street vending organizations
Local power structure and MBOPs : Membership based organizations as a reflection of power structure in rural community- experiences and observations from Pakistan, everyday politics of membership based organisations, local government organizations, social organizations and quality of local governance, community driven development and northeast Brazil rural poverty reeducation program
Year: 2008