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Proceedings of Kerala Environment Congress 2008 : Focal theme - Environmental sanitation, health and hygine - 22,23, 24 April 2008

by Ambat Babu;Vinod T R;Ravindran K V;Sabu T;Thrivikramji K P
Published by : Centre for Environment and Development (Thiruvananthapuram) Physical details: 256p.
Subject(s): Sanitation -- Hygine -- Environment -- Urban sanitation- national perspective, recent wastewater treatment innovations in Australia -- Presentations : Status of municipal solid waste generation and technology options for treatment with special reference to Kerala, GIS- GPS based vehicle management system to streamline the collection and disposal of solid waste in Bangalore, solid waste management in small and medium towns in Kerala- review on critical control pints and quality assurance, scientific management of biomedical waste, assessment of bio medical waste disposal and its management plan in government general hospital in Thiruvananthapuram, wetlands for urban waste water treatment- case studies of engineering wetlands of Bhubaneswar- deltaic east Calcutta wetlands and artificial wetland in CWRDM campus -- Strategy for urban storm water management at local level, role of magnesium in removal of fluoride during lime process for reduction of hardness, implementation of under ground sewerage system in Alandur municipality under public private partnership, health and sanitation in Kerala, sanitation problem of Kerala- socio cultural perspective, evolution in IES strategy in sanitation sector in Kerala, clean development mechanism- opportunities and challenges -- Young scientists' award presentation : Health problems of Kudumbasree women engaged in solid waste management of Tirur municipal area of Malappuram, agricultural solid waste management through vermicomposting employing exotic and local species of earthworms in Wayanad district of Kerala, ground water quality of highland village of western ghats in Kerala, assessing groundwater vulnerability and risk from on site sanitation in Calicut city -- Recovery of energy from municipal solid waste (MSW) with anaerobic fermenters, biomedical waste management., biosorption of contaminated wastewater using algal biomass, utilization of phosphogypsum an industrial waste product for quality enhancement of laterite soil, fluoride contamination of ground water and defluoridation using vetiveria zizanioides in eruthempathy panchayat in Palakkad -- Gender based study on sanitation facilities and attributed ill heath of working women in Kerala, microbiological quality assessment of ground water sources in rural areas of Pathanamthitta, rainwater quality in different types of storage structures, mycorrhization a better alternative to phosphate fertilization in edible canna cultivation, Kerala's baby steps towards sanitation- vilappilsala plant, vermicomposting of municipal solid waste using an indigenous earthworm -- Special session on environmental education for sustainable development : Environmental education for sustainable development, environmental education at university level, an adoptable package for realizing objectives of school curriculam through participatory leaning and action
Year: 2008
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