Environmental law
by Sengar Dharmendra S
Published by : Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited (New Delhi) Physical details: 358p ISBN:978-81-203-3059-7.
industrial Pollution
Environmental legislation
Environmental crisis, industrial pollution, hazardous industries, health hazards, legal control of hazardous substances and processes , proliferation of chemicals, law relating to hazardous substances, legal control of hazardous process, rules on hazardous substances, law relating to water pollution, factories act 1948
Industrial air pollution and law, IPC, Boilers act 1923, industries act 1951, mines and minerals act 1957, air act, environment protection act
Enforcement machinery : Administrative efforts to combat and hazards of pollution, central pollution control board, state pollution control boards, supreme court decisions and directions, pollution control in highly polluting industries, coordination activities of pollution control boards, penal provisions and effectiveness of enforcement machinery, financial constraints and assistances, new adjudicatory forum- national environment tribunal
Environmental issues and judicial trends : Environmental pollution and courts concern, public access to environmental justice
Corporate environmental liability : Tortious liability for pollution acidents, statutory relief for pollution victims
Year: 2007
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