Human rights and humanitarian law - Developments in Indian and international law
by South Asia Human Rights Documentation Centre (SAHRDC)
Published by : Oxford University Press (New York) Physical details: 479p. ISBN:978-0-19-569212-9.
International Law
Environmental protection
Justice system
Economic , Social and cultural rights
Human rights in India
Human rights
Humanitarian law in India
Humanitarian law
Jurisprudence of human rights
Cultural relativism and Asian values
Religion and human rights
Natural right approach, Utilitarian approach, positivist approach, liberal-egalitarian approach
Human rights in the international legal framework
Obligations in international law
development of human rights as part of international law
unites Nations system
International human rights obligation
State sovereignty
International institutions
Regional courts and mechanisms
International tribunals
Regional approaches to human rights implementation
European regional framework
Regional framework of the America and Africa
Arab world, Asia-Pacific
International humanitarian law
Origin and development of international humanitarian law
Principles of international humanitarian law
Protection under international humanitarian law
Implementation: international mechanisms and national perspectives on international humanitarian law
International refugee law
Determination of refugee status
International and domestic protection for refugees
Solutions to the refugee problem
International law and internally displaced persons : UN guiding principles on internet displacement 1998
Refugee protection in India
Human rights in the Indian constitutional framework
Civil and political rights, Economic, social and cultural rights, constitutional safeguards for the socially disadvantages
Fundamental duties , conflicts between rights and the constitutionality of specific laws
Exercise of fundamental rights during an emergency
Human rights and criminal justice system in India
Rights of victims and witnesses , violence against women, conflict of rights and other issues
Economic, social and cultural rights
ICESCR - The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Environmental protection and human rights
National and International framework of environment protection
environmental rights
Year: 2008
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