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Sustainable development at risk : Ignoring the past

by Hulse Joseph H
Published by : Cambridge University Press (New Delhi) Physical details: 371p. ISBN:978-81-7596-521-8.
Subject(s): Sustainable development, corporate memory, food systems analysis, industrial biotechnologies, ethical, ideological and political issues -- human development, poverty, international development, resource conservation -- International development : United nations and its Charter, international monetary system, UN and its specialised agencies, liberation for colonialism, international development conference, international development programmes, world bank development report, UNDP human development reports -- From Pearson to Johannesburg : Person commission, Brandt commission, Brundtland commission, international conferences on environment and development , UN world summit on sustainable development WSSD -- Poverty : World bank development reports, empowerment, security, constraints to trade and hope for reforms, UNDP human development recommendations -- Development in agriculture and biotechnologies : Sustainable survival, agriculture and biotechnology, river valley civilisations, Roman agriculture, empiricism to scientific agriculture, taxonomic classification -- Sustainable agriculture : Agricultural resources, chemical fertilisers, international agricultural research- CGIAR, genetic modification in crops -- Sustainable food security : income and poverty,Strategic food stock, nutritional adequacy, urban growth and food security -- Industrial biotechnology : Food preservation, food and pharmaceutical industries, influence of supermarkets, industrial biotechnologies, biomedical industries -- Environment and resource : Governance of environments and resources, resource sustainability, energy, atmosphere and climate, water -- Case studies of successful projects : Canada-Mysore project, farming system IDRC initatives, Ilo-Ilo and diversifying FSR, employment in rural agribusiness, MSSRF biocillage programme, VGKK/KT-CFTRI helath and employment programme, post production system, social forestry and agroforestry, local management of water, essential health in Tanzania -- Political and ideological issues : Unstained political priorities, religion and politics, word affairs, political participation in national development, governments and industrial research and development -- Ethics, communications and education : Biotechnologies, functional genomics,sustainable bio-industries, international trade, centralised v/s decentralised management, human resource development, language and communications,
Year: 2007
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