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Non governmental politics

by Feher Michel
Additional authors: Krikorian Gaelle | McKee Yates
Published by : Zone Books (New York) Physical details: 693p ISBN:978-1-890951-74-0.
Subject(s): Non-governmental organizations in Political aspects. -- Non-governmental organizations in International cooperation. -- International relief. -- Human rights : Speaking plainly about Chechnya- on the limits of juridical model of human rights advocacy, politics of human rights and peace advocacy in Sri Lanka, principal pragmatism, humanitarian care, nongovernmental government, sovereign , terrorist, humanitarianism reconfigured- philanthropic globalization and new solidarity -- Stakeholder claims : Stakeholder activism, consumer dimension of stakeholder activism- antisweat shop movement in US, corporate social responsibility and labor rights in US, civic think tank, access to rights, international prostitutions policy and sex workers rights in India, biotechnology and publicity -- Governance and polices in nongovernmental organizations, human rights, testimony and transnational publicity, architecture of strategic communication, aesthetic, visual culture and claims -- Nongovernmental generation of international treaties, dilemmas of home improvement- can clean energy technology mediate civic involvement in climate change, lobby that came in from the south -- Communication rights : Case of communication rights- after the world summit on the information society, southern views on political economy of information, refugee media Nexus, between testimony and expertise- how immigration policies challenge the humanitarian ethic -- Borders : 2006 immigrant mobilization in US, migreurop network and Europe's foreigner camps, exceptional times, non governmental spacing and impolitical movements, naval battle -- Disaster zones : Bhopal - unending disaster, enduring resistance, yes men in Bhopal, timor- leste ground zero, art and ends of environmentalism- from biosphere to right to survival -- Civil society and its discontents : Revolutions - exporting democracy to East, Velvet agitators, governmentality, civil society and political activism according to Michel Foucault. closing of American Society, peace and justice -- Muslim charities, faith, liberty and individual in humanitarian assistance, vision of the world, theologizing human rights- Christian activism and limits of religious freedom
Year: 2007
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