The political economy reader : Markets as institutions
by Barma Naazneen H
Additional authors:
Vogel Stevan .K
Published by :
Physical details: 569p
International economic relations
Classical economics
Adam smith, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Friedrich list
An inquiry into the nature and cause of the wealth of nation -1776
The communist manifesto 1848
National system of political economy 1841
Liberal paradigm
Friedrich A Hayek
Milton Friedman ,Capitalism and freedom
Economic sociology
Karl Polanyi , The great transformation
Neil Fligstein , The architecture of markets
New institutional economics
Douglass.C North, Structure and change in economic history
Oliver E Williamson, The economic institutions of capitalism
Historical perspective
W.W Rostow, The stages of economic growth
Alexander Gerschenkron, Economic backwardness in historical perspective
David S. Landes, The wealth and poverty of nations
Political science and political economy
Charles E Lindblom, Market System
Chalmers Johnson, MITI and Japanese miracle
Peter A Hall and David Soskice, Varieties of capitalism
Contemporary debates : Three types of market reforms
Market reforms in advanced industrial countries
Arthur seldon, Virtues of capitalism
Steven K Vogel, Why freer markets need more rules
Market transition in Eastern Europe and China
Jeffrey D Sachs, End of poverty
Joseph E Stiglitz, Globalization and its discontents
Doug Guthrie, China and globalisation
Market development in developing country
Deepak lal, Poverty of development economics
Kiren aziz Chaudhry,The myths of the market and the common history of late developers
Hernando de Soto, The mystery of capital
Globalization and the information technology revolution
Thomas L Friedman, The lexus and the olive tree
Abrahaman Newman and John Zysman, How revolutionary was the digital revolution
Susan Strange, the retreat of the state
Robert Gilpin, Global political economy
Year: 2008
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