Real world economics : A post-autistic economics reader
by Fullbrook Edward
Series: Anthem development studies and globalization Published by : Anthem press (New York) Physical details: 496p. ISBN:978-1-84331-236-9.
Economic Development
Pluralism, Ethics
Neoclassical Economics
Rand portcullis and post-autistic economics, Social and intellectual Organization and construction of economics, Psychological autism, Institutional autism and economics, Neoclassical economics, Economics
Faux Nobel price
Realism vs illusion : seven theses for a theory of realist economics,Orthodoxy, economy and trust, Realistic epistemology for economics, Neutrality in overrated, Economic history and the birth of respectable characters, Revisiting the crisis vision in modern economic thoughts
Modernist and pre modernist explanation in economics, Game theory - refinement or an alternative to neo-classical economics, Towards a post-autistic managerial economics
Pluralism vs Monism
Saving the plant from neoclassical economics : illth of nations and the feckless of policy, Ecological economics is post-autistic, cost benefit analysis, GDP
Japan, refutation of neolibralism, Liberalisation and social structure- Case of labour intensive export growth in South Asia, Policy relevance in the Latin American school of economics, Dynamic vs static efficiency
Microeconomics : Doctrine- centred vs problem centred economics, Guerrien's essay, Theoretical substance should take priority over techniques, Teaching post-autistic economics to students of political science
High-tech Utopia and High tech dystopia, Political economy of destructive power, Thermodynamics and economics
Putting ethics into economics : Ethical economics, Social physics become a social problem
Student voices : Politics vs economics, Neoclassical theory, Consumer sovereignty re-examined
Year: 2007
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