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Real world economics : A post-autistic economics reader

by Fullbrook Edward
Series: Anthem development studies and globalization Published by : Anthem press (New York) Physical details: 496p. ISBN:978-1-84331-236-9.
Subject(s): Economic Development -- Pluralism, Ethics -- Neoclassical Economics -- Rand portcullis and post-autistic economics, Social and intellectual Organization and construction of economics, Psychological autism, Institutional autism and economics, Neoclassical economics, Economics -- Faux Nobel price -- Realism vs illusion : seven theses for a theory of realist economics,Orthodoxy, economy and trust, Realistic epistemology for economics, Neutrality in overrated, Economic history and the birth of respectable characters, Revisiting the crisis vision in modern economic thoughts -- Modernist and pre modernist explanation in economics, Game theory - refinement or an alternative to neo-classical economics, Towards a post-autistic managerial economics -- Pluralism vs Monism -- Saving the plant from neoclassical economics : illth of nations and the feckless of policy, Ecological economics is post-autistic, cost benefit analysis, GDP -- Japan, refutation of neolibralism, Liberalisation and social structure- Case of labour intensive export growth in South Asia, Policy relevance in the Latin American school of economics, Dynamic vs static efficiency -- Microeconomics : Doctrine- centred vs problem centred economics, Guerrien's essay, Theoretical substance should take priority over techniques, Teaching post-autistic economics to students of political science -- High-tech Utopia and High tech dystopia, Political economy of destructive power, Thermodynamics and economics -- Putting ethics into economics : Ethical economics, Social physics become a social problem -- Student voices : Politics vs economics, Neoclassical theory, Consumer sovereignty re-examined
Year: 2007
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