The rural urban dynamics and land use pattern
by V T Jose
Published by : Mahamaya Publishing House (|New Delhi) Physical details: 302p ISBN:978-81-8325-062-7.
Kerala Land Use Bill
Decentralised Planning
Land use dynamics
Land use changes, Rural urban conflicts, Links between rural, pert-urban and urban land sue planning, Urban scene, Urbanization under economic reforms in India
Urban development policy, Urbanization process, Population change and land use pattern
Legal and administrative issues of land use pattern :Decentralised planning, Kerala land use bill 2002
Rural urban dynamics and land use changes : Rural urban development, Urban and rural infrastructure, Rural-Urban linkages
Sustainable land use and management : Integrated approach of F.A.O, Sustainability indicators
Land use dynamics : trends in land use pattern, Trends in cropping pattern, Wetland conservation, Forest degradation
Urbanisation process, changes in land use socio-economic consequence : Demographic particulars, Occupational characteristics, Socio-economic consequence of urbanisation process and land use change
Future perspectives : Virtual university, Providing urban amenities in Rural areas (PURA), Recommendations of F.A.O
Year: 2008
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