The regional roots of developmental politics in India : A divided leviathan
by Sinha Aseema
Published by : Oxford University Press (New York) Physical details: 356p ISBN:019568511-3.
Comparative politics, Globalisation in India
Central-local government relations in India in Case studies.
Gujarat (India) in Politics and government.
Development failure and success, globalization in India, infranational comparisons and comparative politics, theory of polycentric hierarchy, multilevel hierarchy, business responses and investor behaviour in dirigist but multilevel state design of study
National-level analysis- Disaggregating the central state : Regional variation in large scale investment, central discrimination, alternative institutional explanation, political economy of divided state, liberalization and central state in India
Subnational variation mapped
Regional strategies toward the dirigiste state : Bureaucratic development in Gujarat,strategy of partisan confrontation in west Bengal, anti-central mobilization in Tamil Nadu,vertical interactions in pre and post 1991 India
Subnational state as a developmental actor : Importance of regional institutions, development strategies in Indian regional states, institutional capacities in India's regions, sticky institutions in west Bengal, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu after 1991- comparative institutional analysis
Divided loyalties- regional politics of divergence : Gujarat- roots of classic competitive capitalism, west Bengal- politics of vertical confrontation and regional protection, Tamil Nadu- cultural sub nationalism and industrialization
Weapons of the strong- business responses in the regions : State-level entry costs, incentives v/s infradtructre, institutional credibility, micro-regulatory costs at the state level
Indian in Comparative perspective
Comparative extensions : Comparative theory of development failure and success, comparing china with democratic India and democratic Brazil
Regional landscapes and economic development in dirigiste states : Subnational pathways in India, national political institutions and regional strategies , neoliberalism, institutional change and regional activism
Year: 2006
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