Tha role of parliament in curbing corruption
by Stapenhurst Rick
Additional authors:
Johnston Niall;Pelizzo Riccardo
Published by :
World Bank
Physical details: 263p.
Financial control
Global governance
Political will
Parliamentarians fighting corruption : Corruption in political parties and parliament, international parliamentary links
Governance in developing world : Corruption as a challenge to development, costs of corruption, multifaceted anti corruption strategy, political nature of corruption, political will
Legislation : Parliament and anti corruption legislation : laws to punish and deter corrupt, laws contributing to an administrative and social environment in which corrupt acts are less likely to take place, laws on subjects in which corrupt actions would be likely to occur of legislation is not corruption proofed, case study on role of parliament in fight against corruption - case of Kenyan parliament- economic transition and challenge of conflict of interest, political events of 1960 and tensions of post independence politics, one party state politics, constitutional position of parliament, Goldenberg scandal, parliamentary anti corruption select committee
Oversight and financial control : Effective financial scrutiny, budget cycle, ex ante scrutiny, ex post scrutiny, case study on performance of public accounts committees- review of Canadian PAC 37th parliament - Committee roles, PAC activitiy and products- 37th parliament, investing in results, committee management, political party issues
Parliament and supreme audit institutions : role of SAIs in curbing corruption, role of media in curbing corruption, tangible/ intangible effects of journalism on corruption, case study on role of parliament and media in fight against corruption, institutional setup in Uganda, allegations against Ministers, anti corruption commissions- Hong Kong's ICAC, Singapore's CPIB, new south wales ICAC, US office of government ethics (OGE), case study- European parliament's role in resignation of santer commission
Representation : Building coalitions- parliaments, civil society and corruption control - sustaining reform, political will and civil society, building social action coalitions, political parties- institutionalization of political organizations and political parties, parties weak institutionalization and potential for corruption
Corruption in political parties and parliament : party political funding- political finance and political corruption, regulations and subsidies, role of legislation and controlling corruption related to political finance, legislative ethics and codes of conduct, need for an effective ethics regime, legislative codes of conduct, are there complementary factors that can contribute to effectiveness of codes of conduct, case study of house of commons- how can parliamentary codes and registers of members interest help
International parliamentary links : Building parliamentary networks evolving forms of networking and knowledge sharing, role of a parliamentarian, parliamentary networks, GOPAC, parliamentary network on world bank, commonwealth perspective, wider international cooperation, parliamentary dimension, political will, legislation, parliament and finance
Year: 2006
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