The unfinished story of women and the united nations
by Pietila Hilkka
Published by : United Nations (New York) Physical details: 162p
League of Nations.
United Nations in Commission on the Status of Women.
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in (1979 December 18)
Women and league of nations : Women at 1919 paris peace conference, people's organizations and inter governmental cooperation, Latin American women as forerunners, pacifist and feminist aims
Founding mothers of UN : Dispute over basic concepts, new dimensions for UN, mission and mandate of commission, status of women, human rights or rights of men
Human rights are women's rights : Legal status of women in world, right to family planning, convention on rights of women, missing link in China, from battle field to peace table
United nations decade for women (1976-1985) - decade of development : New trends with new state in UN, 1975 international women's year as an engine for change, UN world conferences on women in 1975, 1980 and 1985, review and appraisal as a regular practice, INSTRAW and UNIFEM emerge out of Mexico conference, women's own global fora, united nations decade for women changes the world
All issues are women's issues in 1990s : Women for healthy planet, infallible strategy, diving into mainstream of world conferences
Beijing conference - grand consolidation : Greatest success of all time, Beijing PFA- an agenda for women's empowerment, breakingthrough of gender concept, UN system as a pioneer in gender mainstreaming, reorganization and reorientation of women's worlds
Celebrating 30 years of progress- Beijing+10 : Global consensus for Beijing+10, Beijing PFA and millennium development goals, political declaration- recommitment and continuation, women and UN reform, government's reports double checked by NGOs, NGO reports reflect women's realities, experiment of global democracy through internet
Epilogue- will the world change : Women changing the United Nations, global women's movement created, every government is accountable to women
women empowerment
Year: 2007
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