Emerging issues in panchayati raj in Kerala - A study report
by SDC-CapDeck
Published by : SDC-CapDeck (Thiruvananthapuram) Physical details: 48p
Panchayati raj in Kerala, chronology of related events
Panchayati raj- understanding, ownership and participation of the people , monitoring
Changing roles powers and responsibilities of elected representatives : Capacity development programs for elected representatives
Issues related to transparency, accountability and quality of delivery of public services, : Quality of services, citizen's charter, financial transactions, social audit
Gender in decentralization : Gender in society, women in panchayats, women in gram sabha's gender status studies, elected representatives, women component plan, jagratha samithies,
Issues related to weaker sections : Grama sabha and oorukootas, working groups on SC/ST, disparities of differences between tribal communities, ST promoters, linguistic minorities, migrant laborer's from other states
Non- governments support systems (NGOs) : Local level general interest groups, clubs, reading rooms and libraries, mahila samajams, resident's associations, local level special interest groups, Kaudumbashree units, agricultural production related groups, beneficiary groups, voluntary agencies, non governmental organizations, perception of PRIs regarding NGOs, attitude pf NGOs and voluntary agencies towards PRIs, relationships and process, panchayat associations, academic and nodal institutions
Other general issues of concern
Year: 2003
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