Local governance in industrial countries
by Shah Anwar
Series: Public sector governance and accountability series Published by : The World Bank (Washington) Physical details: 368p. ISBN:978-0-8213-6328-7.
Local finance, Local government, Public Finance, OECD countries.
Comparative institutional framework for responsive , responsible and accountable local governance : Central-local relations, Alternative models of local governance and central-local relations, Finance in industrial organization and finance in industrial countries
Local government organization and finance Canada : Municipal government responsibilities associated with experience, Municipal government revenues and borrowing, Overall assessment of municipal government finances
Local government organization and finances - France : Jurisdictions, Expenditure responsibilities, Own source taxes and charges, Central-local fiscal transfer, Local government borrowings, local government administration
Local government organization and finance in Germany : Financial situation of the local administrative bodies, Local financial equalization between the federal state and municipalities, Equalization system in Hesse
Local government organization and finance in Japan : Specific-purpose grants, Fiscal equalization system , Local bond and borrowing
Local government organization and finance in New Zealand : Own-source taxes and charges, Shared taxes, Intergovernmental fiscal transfers , Administration
Local government organization and finance in Nordic countries : Legal and organizational frameworks - Development of Nordic decentralization, Size and structure of local governments , Decentralizing expenditure and revenues, Role of general,specific and discretionary grants, Horizontal imbalance and equalization
Local government organization and finance in UK : Component countries of the UK, Current local government system, Local government borrowing and other capital revenues
Local government organization and finance in US : Organization of subnational governments, Services and expenditures of subnational governments, Own-source revenues of subnational governments , Shared taxes, Intergovernmental transfers, Administration of subnational governments
Year: 2006