Economics of poverty
by Bhowmik Debesh
Published by : Deep and Deep Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 356p. ISBN:81-7629-980-4.
Water resourse Management
Different measurements of poverty : Head count ratio or poverty incidence ratio, poverty gap ratio, normalized poverty gap, average poverty gap, poverty burden ration, poverty removal ratio, geometric gap ratio, index of poverty method, poverty index P, substitutes of index of poverty, characteristics of m index
Measurement of burden of poverty, measurement of possibility of poverty alleviation by income transfer, measurements of absolute poverty, consumption expenditure method, measurement of Friedman, methods of Watts, correct application method, monetary value determination method of absolute poverty alleviation, demand for employment in town, developed health, normal environment, non-institutional environment, determination methods of aggregate welfare of poverty, problems of poverty measurement
Poverty measurement- new concept, nature of world poverty, world poverty and its remedy : effect of structural adjustment program, poverty eradication of united national, assistance for security and human development, assistance of UNO to the structural adjustment program
Economics of poverty in developing countries, measurement of Indian poverty and brief description
Brief evaluation of poverty alleviation program of India : Integrated rural development program (IRDP), Jawahar rojgar yojana, self employment to educated unemployment youth scheme, development of women and children in rural area (DWCRA), self employment program for urban poor (SEEPUP)
Training of rural youth for self employment (TRYSEM) - Swarnajayanti gram swarojgar yojana, sampurna gramin rojgar yojana, pradhan mantri gramodaya yojana, pradhan mantri gram sarak yojana, antodaya annayojana, annapurna yojana, swarnajayanti shahari rojgar yojana, valmiki ambedkar awas yojanan
Structural adjustment program new economic policy and Indian poverty, evaluation of poverty alleviation program in SAARC countries, women and poverty, environment, sustainable development and women's poverty, poverty and sustainable development
Social psychology of poverty, political economy of poverty, poverty, economic growth and human development, poverty unemployment and economic growth, poverty alleviation program of IBRD and IMF in new millennium, nutrition, food security and poverty, poverty, inequality and institutions
Poverty and globalization, globalisation, faminisation of poverty, poverty, water security and water resource management, poverty and water resource management in SAARC countries, terrorism and poverty
Year: 2007
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