Education for rural development: Towards new policy responses- A joint study conducted by FAO and UNESCO
Published by : Rawat Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 406p. ISBN:81-316-0036-X.
Rural development
Agricultural Education
Primary schooling
Education and rural development : Transformation of rural context and new development agenda on rural poverty, contribution of education to rural development theoretical expectations, empirical evidence and past strategies
Basic education in rural areas- status, issues and prospects : Basic education in rural areas today, improving provision of basic education in rural areas, planning and managing improvement to basic education in rural areas
Making learning relevant- principles and evidence from recent experiences : Using students environment to enhance learning, revisiting garden based learning in schools
Strategies and institutions for promoting skills for rural development : Rural labour/ labor market challenges and training policy responses, skills for agriculture and good security in sub Saharan Africa, skills development in rural Asia- trends and experiences in selected countries, towards demand responses to training needs in rural areas in Brazil
Higher education and rural development : Higher education for rural development - challenges and opportunities for higher agricultural education, HAE, higher agricultural education institutions - lessons from five case studies
main findings and implications for policy and donor support : Return to contextual issues - decline in rural support, policy implications
Year: 2006
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