Environmental and natural resource economics
by Tietenberg Tom
Edition statement:6th Ed Published by : Pearson Education (New Delhi) Physical details: 646p ISBN:81-7758-074-4.
Property right
Population problem
Energy Resourses
Environmental policy -- Raw materials--Government policy -- Natural resources--Government policy -- Environmental economics -- Natural resources
Basic pessimist model, Basic optimist model
Valuing the environment : Human environment relationship, Normative criteria for decision making, Finding optimal outcome, Reducing pollution
Valuing the environment methods : valuing benefits , Ground water contamination,Wildlife, Cost effectiveness analysis, NO2 control
Property rights, externalities and environmental problems : Externalities as a source of market failure, Improperly designed property rights system, Imperfect market structure , Divergence of school and private discount rates, Government failures, Pursuit of efficiency, Efficient role for government
Sustainable development : Two-period model, defining intertemporal fairness, Efficient allocations fair, Sustainability criterion, Implication for environmental policy
Pollution problem : Effects of population growth on economic developemnt, Effects of economic developemnt on population growth, Economic approach to population control
Allocation of depletable and renewable resources : resource taxonomy, Efficient intertemporal allocations, N-period constant-cost case, market allocations
Depletable, Nonrecyclable energy resource : Oil, Gas, Coal and Uranium
natural gas price control, Oil the cartel problem, Oil national security problem, Transition fuels Environmental problems
Recyclable resources - Minerals, paper, Glass : efficient allocation of recyclable resources, Strategic material problem revisited, Waste disposal and pollution damage, Tax treatment of minerals, Product durability
replenishable but deletable resources- Water : Global scarcity, Formulating the global scarcity hypothesis, Agricultural land and policies, Distribution of food resources , Feast and famine cycles
Storable, renewable resources - Forest : Defining efficient management, Timer, Biological dimension, Source of inefficiency, Implementing efficient management
Renewable common property resources : Efficient allocation, Appropriability and market solutions, Public policy toward fisheries
Generalized resource scarcity : Factors mitigating resource scarcity, Detecting resources scarcity , Evidence on resource scarcity , Geochemical scarce metals
Economics of pollution control : pollutant taxonomy, Defining the efficient allocation of pollution, market allocation of pollution, Efficient policy responses, Cost-effective policies for uniformly mixed fund pollutants, Cost effective policies for nonuniformly mixed surface pollutants
Stationary-source local air pollution : Conventional pollutants, innovative approaches, Regional and global air pollutants - Acid rain and atmospheric modification : Regional pollutants, Global pollutants, Ozon depletion, Global warming
Mobile source air pollution : Policy towards mobile sources,Economic and political assessment, possible reforms,
Water pollution :natural water pollution problems, Traditional water pollution control policy, Efficiency and cost effectiveness
Toxic substances : market allocations and toxic substances, Current policy, Legal remedies
Environmental justice : Incidence of hazardous waste siting decisions,Pollution control cost, Generation of pollutants, incidence on households, Implications for policy
Development, poverty and the environment : Growth process, Growth-development relationship, Growth and poverty, Industrialized nations, Poverty in the less industrialized nations
Quest for sustainability development: sustainability of growth, Opportunities, managing the transition, Forced transition
Year: 2003
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