Amartya Sen- Critical assessment of contemporary economists
by Wood John Cunningham
Additional authors:
Wood Robert D
Published by :
Physical details: 520p. Vol.2
Welfare Economics
Human Development
Conversation with Amartya Sen, welfare, resource and capabilities - revies of inequality reexamined by Sen, human science of development, interpreting Sen's work, exploring challenges of Sen's work and ideas, human development paradigm- operationalizing Sen's ideas
Development, including food and health
Functioning and capability- foundations of Sen's and Nussbaum's development ethic, capabilities, well being and human development, legality with a vengeance- famines and humanitarian relief in complex emergencies, famines and economics, absolute v/s relative poverty, corn and crisis- Malthus on high price of provision, Indian development and poverty, development and quality of life, growth, freedom and welfare
Food security in Africa via multiple livelihood strategies of women farmers, theoretical proposal for relationship between context and disease, collective capabilities, culture and Sen's development as freedom, Sen's contribution to development thinking, health equity, development as empowerment/ freedom, entitlement, shortage and 1943 Bengal famine, environmental social interface of sustainable development- capabilities, social capital, institutions
Year: 2007
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Books | KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY General Stacks | 339.46 WOO/A (Browse shelf) | Volume2 | Available | 010132 |