World trade and payments - An introduction
by Caves Richard E
Published by : Pearson Education (New Delhi) Physical details: 634p, I-8 ISBN:81-317-0177-8.
Scale Economics
International trade.
Basic model of international trade : Commodity trade, Free trade equilibrium, Intra-Industry trade,
Expanded gains from trade with resource movements : Production possibilities schedule and autarky equilibrium, Import demand
Application and interpretations : Protecting Impot-competing goods, Growth and trade, Basic trade model, Trade and market structure
Trade patterns, Income distribution and growth
Technology and productivity- Ricardian trade model: International wage comparison and productivity, Globalization, Non-trade commodities, Globalisation
Trade and local income distribution- Specific factor model : Diminishing return and factor hires, Income distribution, Political Economy aspects, Dutch disease
Factor endowment and trade - 2*2 Heckscher-Ohlin Model : Rigid technology, Flexible technology and autarky comparison
Trade, growth and product variety , Economic growth
Trade in Intermediate goods and factors of production : fixed resources and footloose production processes , Factor movement , efficiency and welfare, International capital movement, Multinational and foreign direct investment
Theory and practice of commercial policy : protection and the national welfare: Tariff, Domestic welfare, World welfare
Political economy of protection : Revenue, Growth, Protection and welfare, Unemployment
Trade policy and imperfect competition : Monopoly and the gains from trade, Consumer countries, Exporting and importing policies, Industrial policy and market rivalry
Trade control in Practice : Multilateral tariff reduction, managed trade
Preferential arrangements and regional issues in trade policy : Regional preference and trade, Asian NICs
Money, income and the balance of payments : Balance of payments accounts , Double -entry booking
Foreign exchange market and trade elasticities :Flow of supply and demand for foreign exchange, Trade balance
National income and trade balance : Small country and two country Keynesian model, National saving investment identity,Multipliers
Spending and the exchange rate in the Keynesian model : Expenditure-switching and expenditure-reducing policies , Monetary polices
Money supply, the price level, and the balance of payment : Nonsterilization assumption, Purchasing power party assumption, Hyperinflation
Developing countries and other small open economies with non-traded goods
International financial markets and their macroeconomics implications
Globalization of financial markets , Euromarket, Foreign exchange market, Liberalization
Mundell-fleming model with partial international capital mobility : fiscal policy, Monetary policy
Fiscal and monetary policy under modern financial market conditions , Policy under perfect capital mobility
Crises in emerging markets : IMF country programmes. Devaluation, Capital control
Interdependence and policy coordination : Floating Exchange rates, Econometric models of the interdependent world economy, international macroeconomic policy coordination
Supply and inflation : Aggregate supply relationship, Indexed wages, Inflation, Exchange rate regime
Determination of exchange rate in international asset markets
Expectations, money and the determination of the exchange rate : Interest rate parity conditions
Exchange rate forecasting and risk : exchange risk
Year: 2006
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