Public administration: Concepts and theories
by Basu Rumki
Published by : Sterling Publishers (New Delhi) Physical details: 414p ISBN:81-207-1136-x.
administrative Organisation
Organisation Law
Public administration, development administration, riggsian model
Administrative organization - theories : Public and private administration, scientific management, classical theory, human relations theory, Weberian model of bureaucracy and development administration
Administrative organization- principles : Unity of command
Administration, polity and society : Social structure, impact of political system, concept of civil service neutrality, economic structure
Structure of administration : Line, staff and auxiliary agencies, departments, public enterprise, public corporations in India, UK and USA, Public enterprises, soviet union and china, staff agencies in India, UK, USA, USSR and China
Comparative public administration : Significance of comparative public administration, approaches and models of comparative administrative system of UK,UAS India, soviet union and China
Public policy : Factors determining policy formulation, conceptual approaches to policy making, official policy makers, policy evaluation
Personnel management : Career civil service, recruitment of civil service personnel, recruitment system in India, training, training for development administrators in third world, generalist-specialist controversy, integrity in public administration
Financial administration : Budget, performance budgeting in India, budgetary process in India,, instruments of financial control, importance of audit
Administrative law, regulation and reforms : Delegated legislation, administrative adjudication, administrative reforms
Administration and people : Attaining democratic and socialistic goals, people's participation in India, public accountability
Year: 1990
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