Outgrowing the earth : The food security challenge in an age of falling water tables and rising temperatures
by Brown Lester R
Published by : Earthscan (London) Physical details: 239p. ISBN:1-84407-185-5.
Food chain
Population and Land
Food supply
Government policy
Food crops
Global warming
Water Tables
Pushing beyond earth's limits, losing agricultural momentum, growth- environmental fallout, Japan syndrome, China factor, stopping at seven billion, new demographic era, population, land and conflict, eradicating poverty, stabilizing population, moving up the food chain efficiently, shifting protein sources, soyabean factor
Raising earth's productivity, fertilizer and irrigation, shrinking backlog of technology, protecting cropland, conserving topsoil, saving cropland, stabilizing water tables, rivers running dry, scarcity crossing national boundaries, raising water productivity, stabilizing climate, rising temperatures, falling yields, raising energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, reserving China's harvest decline, grainland shrinking, aquacultural initiative, water shortage spreading, new food strategy
Brazilian dilemma, world's leading source of soybeans, feed supplier for world, meat exports climbing, domestic demand growing, redefining security, food supply and scarcity, stabilizing resource base
Year: 2005
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