Rural prosperity and agriculture policies and strategies :Technological options
by Choudhury R C
Additional authors:
Singh R P
Foundation Day Series
Published by :
Physical details: 390p.
Sustainable rainfed agriculture for food security, technological change in dryland agriculture- econometric analysis and policy implications, groundwater overexploitation in hardrock regions- econometric analysis and policy implications, impact of community water harvesting structures on rural livelihood system in semi-arid regions of India
Poverty alleviation through watershed development projects, agro-processing sector-rationale statue and strategies, village level agro-processing, relevance of agricultural diversification and promotion of new crops in India, growth of rural non-farm activities , agriculture research extension linkage system of UP, changing composition of draught power in Indian agriculture, economics and constraints of pluses production of MP, potential of forestry and agro-forestry based micro enterprise development
Agriculture and state
Economic aspects
Rural development.
Year: 2000