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Potecting groundwater for health : Managing the quality of drinking water sources

by Schmoll Oliver
Published by : IWA Publishing (London) Physical details: 678p. ISBN:9-241-54668-9.
Subject(s): Ground water -- Public Health -- Scientific background : groundwater and public health, WHO guidelines for drinking water quality, groundwater occurrence and hydrogeological environments, aquifer types, pathogens- health relevance, transport and attenuation, chemicals- health relevance, transport and attenuation, socio-economic, institutional and legal aspects in groundwater assessment and protection -- Understanding drinking water catchment : Collecting information for characterizing catchment and assessing pollution potential, characterization of socio economic institutional and legal setting, assessment of aquifer pollution vulnerability and susceptibility to impact of abstraction, agriculture- potential hazards and information needs, human excreta and sanitation- potential hazards and information needs, industry, mining and military sites- potential hazards and information needs, waste disposal and land fill- potential hazards and information needs, traffic and transport- potential hazards and information needs -- Situation analysis : Assessment of groundwater pollution potential, establishing groundwater management priorities -- Approaches to drinking water source protection management : Water safety plans- risk management approaches for the delivery of safe drinking water from groundwater sources, goundwater protection zones, sanitary completion of protection works around groundwater sources, hydrological management -- Approaches to pollution sources management : Policy and legal systems to portect groundwater, agriculture- control and protection, human excreta and sanitation, industry, mining and military sites, waste disposal and landfill, traffic and transportation
Year: 2006
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