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The elgar companion to development studies

by Clark David Alexander
Series: Elgar original reference. Published by : Edward Elgar (UK) Physical details: 713p. ISBN:1-84376-475-X.
Subject(s): Economic development -- Democracy -- Development economics. -- Ageing and development, agriculture and economic growth, basic needs approach, Cambridge controversies in growth theory, capability approach, capitalism and development, child labour, child poverty, chronic poverty, colonialism, conflict resolution, corporate social responsibility, cost-benefit analysis for development, crisis management, culture and development, debt crisis, democracy and development, development ethics, Domar model, East Asian crisis, economic aid, education for all and millennium development goals -- Environment and development, ethnicity, famines, food security, foreign direct investment, gender and development, global inequality,globalization, green revolution, biotechnology, Harrod model, HIV/AIds, Human capital, human development, human rights, HDI, income distribution, informal sector employment, institutions and development, internal migration and rural livelihood diversification, international trade, labour markets, land reforms, least developed countries, Karl Marx, media communication and development, microfinance, migration for rural work -- Militarism and development, military expenditure and economic growth, women, modernisation theory, national accounting, national economic planning, nationalism and development, planning, population and development, poverty and growth, property rights and development, purchasing power parity, refugees, religion, corruption, rural poverty reduction, social capital, social exclusion, social justice, Solow-Swan model, state and development, stock market and economic development, structural adjustment, sustainability, technology and development, tourism, trade and industrial policy, transnational corporation, uneconomic growth, urban livelihood, urbanisation and third world countries, Washington consensus, water and development
Year: 2006
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