Property for people, not for profit : Alternatives to the global tyranny of capital
by Duchrow Ulrich;Hinkelammert Franz J
Published by : Zed books (London) Physical details: 244p. ISBN:1-84277-479-4.
Right to property.
Globalization. , Globalisation
Absolute property creates poverty, debts and slavery: origin of the property economy in antiquity and biblical alternatives : Ancient Greece, Rome, Israel, Church
Homo homini lupus: emergence of the capitalist possessive market society inn the modern age
Case of John Locke: the inversion of human rights in the name of bourgeois property: Legitimization of forced labour by slavery, indigenous people of North America, Human rights
Total market: how globalized capitalism id eliminating the commitment to sustain life : German constitution, Private property
Fall of the twin tower: the enforcement of the total market through the absolute empire : Global civil war
It is life enhancing production which must grow, not capitalist property: Latin American approaches to a renewed dependency theory: Polarization of the world, Development policy
Another world is possible: rebuilding the system pf ownership from below from the perspective of life and the common good
God or Mammon A confessional issues for the churches in the context of social movements
Political demands of the church with respect to a new property system
Year: 2004
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