A guide to what's wrong with economics
by Fullbrook Edward
Published by : Anthem Press (London) Physical details: 323p. ISBN:1-84331-148-8.
Modern Economics
Broadband vs Narrowband economics
Quarrelsome boundaries of economics
Modern economics : problems and Solution
Mainstream economic reasoning and teaching
Neoclassical economic theory
Economics and the individual
Five pieces of advices for students studying microeconomics
Mainstream economists model choice vs how we behave
Managerial economics: Economics of management or economics for managers
macro economics
natural rate of unemployment
How to look Economics critically
Ethical voids and social pathologies
Teaching economics as if ethics mattered
Economics as ideology and the need for pluralism
Efficiency illusion
mathematics and statistics
Can mathematics be used successfully in economics
Can we expect anything from game theory
Persuasive but flawed mathematics of microeconomics
significance of the economic research paper
category mistakes regarding wealth and Illth
Changing visions of human's place in the world and the need for an ecological economics
Ecological economics: the concepts of scale and its relation to allocation, distribution and uneconomic growth
GDP and growth : need for alternative indicators
Globalist distortions
History of capitalism: Debate on globalization and economic development
Should the study of transnational companies be part of the economic syllabus
Latin American economics
Year: 2004
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