The plain language guide to the world summit on sustainable development
by Strachan Janet R
Published by : Earthscan (London) Physical details: 253p ISBN:1-85383-928-0.
Johannesburg plan of implementation.
Environmental policy.
Sustainable development in International cooperation.
World summit on sustainable development (WSSD), Johannesburg plan of implementation (JPOI), climate change, biodiversity conventions, forests, desertification and small island developing states, finance, United nations commission on sustainable development (CSD)
Johannesburg plan of implementation : Rio principles elsewhere in the JPOI, poverty eradication, sanitation and water, energy, industrial development, slum dwellers, child labour
Changing unsustainable patterns of consumption and production : Ten year framework of programmes, cleaner production and eco efficiency, decision making processes and corporate responsibility, transport, waste, chemical management,consumption and production elsewhere in JPOL
Protecting and managing the natural resources base of economic and social development : Integrated water resource management, sustainable fisheries, conservation and management of oceans, maritime safety and pollution, vulnerability, risk management and disaster management, air pollution and atmosphere, agriculture, sustainable tourism, biodiversity, forests, mining , minerals and metals
Globalization, Globalisation
Health and sustainable development : Health care systems and services, HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, respiratory disease and air pollution
Small island developing states : Barbados programme of action on sustainable development of small island developing states review
Sustainable development for Africa : Health, disaster and vulnerability, water and sanitation, agriculture and food security, management of chemicals, digital divide, tourism and biodiversity, habitat agenda
Other regions : Latin america and Caribbean, Asia and pacific, West Asia, economic commission for Europe region, ...
Means of implementation : Enabling financial environment, foreign direct investment, financial mechanisms and institutions, debt, Doha development round, exports of developing countries, small and vulnerable economies and commodity dependent countries, mutual sportiveness of trade, environment and development, helath and agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights, self determination, environmentally sound technologies/ technology transfer, science and technology, education , capacity building, information
Institutional framework for sustainable development : International level, United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), United Nations Economic and social Council (ECOSOC), United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), international institutions
Implementing the Johannesburg plan of Implementation : WSSD partnerships for sustainable development, role of United nations commission on sustainable development (CSD)
Plan of implementation of the world summit on sustainable development, Johannesburg declaration on sustainable development
Year: 2006
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