Environmental studies
by Saxena H M
Published by : Rawat Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 234p ISBN:81-7033-993-6.
Environmental management in India.
Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies : Environmental factors, ecology, Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies
natural resources : Resource conservation, Forest resources, Deforestation, Water resources, land resource, Mineral resources , Energy resources, Food resources
Ecosystem : Food chain, Food webs, Biogeochemical cycles, hydrological cycle, freshwater ecosystem, marine (ocean)ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Forest ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Cropland ecosystem
Biodiversity and its conservation : Biogeographical regions of India, malabar, Endangered and endemic species of India, Biodiversity loss
Environmental pollution : air pollution, water pollution, Noise pollution, Soil and land pollution, Solid waste management, Energy form refuse, recycle of waste materials, Radioactive pollution, Disaster management
Social issues and the environment : Sustainable development, Ecodevelopment, Environmental ethics in India, Environmental legislation in India, Laws relating to forest protection, laws relating to hazardous waste management, hazardous wastes (management and handling) rules 1989/171, manufacture storage and import of hazardous chamical rules 1989/172, Bio-medical waste (management and handling) rules 1989/173, Municipal solid wastes (manage and handling)rules 2000/174
Human population and the environment : Demographic transition, Population growth and distribution, Ecological checks on growth of population and carrying capacity of environment, Urban ecology, Environment and human health
Study of local polluted areas, Common plants, insects and birds
Global environmental change.
Year: 2006
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