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Natural hazards and disaster management : Vulnerability and mitigation

by Singh R B
Edition statement:Ed Published by : Rawat Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 352p. ISBN:81-316-0033-5.
Subject(s): Hazard mitigation. -- Emergency management. -- Tsunamis -- Introduction to natural hazards and disasters- conceptual framework, vulnerability, spatial pattern, impacts and mitigation strategy in India, current situations and problems in application of remote sensing to disaster monitoring, estimating changes in regional snow water equivalent using GIS -- Tsunamis disaster : Role of physical and socio- economic variables in catastrophic loss due to Indian ocean Tsunami of 26 December 2004, Tsunami disaster in India- warning, responses, impacts and mitigation -- Earthquake disaster : Geological geomorphic systems and geodynamic hazard, seismic vulnerability of Delhi, co-seismic ground deformation and source parameters of mani M7.9 earthquake inferred from space borne D-InSAR observation data -- Glacier, snow and mountain disasters : Spatial pattern of snout fluctuations in Himalayan region, water resources sustainability in context of increasing disasters in Himalaya-gangetic region, glaciology, needs, potential and programs -- Flood disasters : Monitoring, mapping and mitigation of flood disaster in india using remote sensing and GIS, economic value of floods with particular reference to barotse flood plains of western Zambia, interdisciplinary approach to understanding forecasting and management of floods, flood hazard mapping projects in Asian countries, study of flood disaster and prevention countermeasures of Heilongjiang province -- Climate change vulnerability : Climate change and vulnerability in Indian agriculture- food security, holocene sea level change and its impact upon physical environment of west Bengal -- Community participation in disaster mitigation : Perspective post mortem of natural disaster, community participation in disaster mitigation in India, community based disaster management, hurricanes in Atlantic ocean - hurricane Katrina
Year: 2006
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